Beast & Beauty

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On the other part of the city a bloodied disfigured body was laying inside a boxing ring trying to get away from his opponent but got hit again again that he fall down.

The opponent towered over him and punched him continously yet there was no Emotion in his face,his grey hair was completely drenched in sweat while his hands drenched in blood  ,his bodyguards watched the  scene with a neutral face  because showing fear is death in their boss eyes ,that's why he was known as beast .

Atlast with a  last punch to the throat the beast broke the guys windpipe and  blood seeped out to the floor through his mouth .

He watched calmly while the other guy gargled out blood and slowly light dimmed out from his eyes.

He step down from the ring ,when his right hand big came forward .

Big was not only his right hand but his childhood friend too .He is the only one who dare to talk back to the beast.

Well for big he was kim not beast  .

Yes kim theerapanyakun .

That name who gave shivers to the under ground world .

An angelic face with a cold dark heart ,at the age of 28 he had build his own empire in both legal and illegal way

His act of ruthlessness gave him the name "BEAST". If he want something he will hunt it down take it forcefully just like a beast .

Suddenly he breaked the silence which gave chills towards others.

"Grey ,clean this up and send him as a present tp the girls family whom he hurt. "

"Yes boss " came the reply with a respectful bow .
Oh no kim was not a saint he just don't like other people meddling in his territory ."

Grey was his left land who is more loyal than a guard dog .

Well kim has helped him when he needed .

After taking a shower kim left to his mansion where his brothers are waiting for him .

His elder brother thankhun is a manipulator under a sweet mask who would do anything for his brothers .

His youngest gio was the most pampered,that means he is the most spoiled one, damn he kill without getting it messy since he dont like blood .

That's the main reason he took a shower before going home.

For kim these are the only two people whom he cares about the most ,oh there is also view who is thankhuns lover, Well that was a Stockholm syndrome love which kim still don't understand but he can tolerate that guy for his brother.

Well it's not his fault ,he dont know what so special about it ,he never needed one or felt love and he has no problem .

He dont need those things

Love ?partner ? Huh what a bunch of bullshit.

But what he didn't know that if a beast exist there will be a beauty too.


His short hair Era is something

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His short hair Era is something

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