XL - Suicide Note

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Daniel, Lucy and Lockwood sat together at a table in a run down twenty four hour dinner on the riverside. Florence was waiting at the cash register for her coffee. The door opened and Daniel was tempted to look up from her warm mug of tea, but didn't, not wanting to be rude. Lockwood smeared butter on a couple pieces of toast and slid the glass plate between himself and Daniel. 

Florence grabbed her coffee from the man as he rounded behind the counter, turning to walk back to the four's table. "Poor Cloughy. He asked me out once. Been drinking, obviously." She sat down at the table, across from Lockwood and beside Lucy.

"It's not 'obviously.'" Anthony shot back, his arms crossed on the laminate. 

"Yes, obviously. He was always drinking, and that's how they would have got to him." 


"Parasites, scum." Florence answered with a half nod. 

"Why didn't Tendy's help him? He must've worked for them for years." Lucy questioned.

"Tendy's doesn't give a shit." Flo shook her head in denial.

"Most agencies don't." Daniel hummed out, sipping at her tea.

"He was on his way out. Talent fading, expendable." Florence further explained. 

"We need to find Danny's partner." Lockwood cut in. "Whoever it was who left him for dead." 

"That'll be Jack Carver." 

"You sound so sure." Daniel tilt her head slightly, looking over at the woman. 

"I am. You do not wanna find him, trust me." Florence shook her head slowly. 

"We have to." Anthony countered. "This is important, Flo, please." 

She looked at him for a minute before looking up, behind Lockwood. "Leave a message on that board, and he might come and find you. It'll have to be the right kind of message, though. One he can't ignore."

Lockwood pulled out a pad and pen and started writing, Daniel looked over his shoulder, reading in her head. 'We know about the mirror.' She grumbled. "You're giving him our address? Is that really. . .smart?" 

"That is a suicide note-" Lucy huffed from across the table. 

"Well, we need to make sure he shows up. He's our only hope." 

"Great." Daniel sighed, watching as Anthony got up from his seat and clicked the pen shut, walking over to the board and pinning the half folded paper to the board. He came back over, sitting down beside Daniel and scooting his chair in. She grabbed one of the halves of toast and stuck it in her mouth. 

"Tell me about their network. How do they move their goods?" 

"They're in business with Julius Winkman." Flo informed. "Antiques dealer in Bermondsey who works with his wife. But, I'm warning you, do not poke that nest." 

"What do you mean?" Lucy's brows were drawn tight. 

"Let me put it more plainly, darling. If Carver doesn't kill you, they will." 

"Locks-" Daniel mumbled, looking over at him.

"We'll be fine." He whispered back, before looking over at his old friend. "Thanks, Flo. Here." Lockwood reached into his pocket, pulling out something rolled in cloth. "Something to remember Danny by. The way he was." 

Florence took it, unfolding the cloth and picking up the Tendy's badge. She stared at it for a moment blankly before looking back up at Lockwood. "You know, I'm always surprised when you turn up to see me, Locky. I thought you'd be dead by now." 

[ Glow ] ~ Anthony Lockwood x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें