Father and Daughter

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<<We interrupt this emission for a special news: just now, the Party Hall, which was taken by Cifer's terrorists less than an hour ago, just crashed into the terminal of sector A. An intense confrontation just began between the infamous criminals and the brave protectors of the terminal. We advise any individual living nearby to get away during the confrontation, in order to avoid any type of harm as long as the problem persists. We strongly care about Glactia-62 inhabitants' well-being, and->>

Harry cut the television off, not caring about the patriotic bullshit they wouldn't miss to say as the emergency report kept going. Leaning back into his sofa, he sighed, and then laughed loudly:

"Hehe, those madlads actually did it, I can't believe they actually did this!" he laughed. "Stealing one of sector A's most important and iconic place to attacka another one, and I'm sure they didn't even actually prepare this! Holy shit, those guys are the best"

He kept laughing for a moment but gradually stopped as even his amused expression went away, replaced by his usual tired look. He took the bottle beside him and drank its content in one go.

"Heh, suits them well" he said. "Guess I'll cheer for them... or, hip, stuff like that"

He closed his eyes, relaxing and thinking back about what he saw until now in his life. On Glactia-62, when was the last time someone confronted Enry Arsin, and actually came out alive?

'Oh, right. It was when I tried to expose him after Penny died' Harry remembered.

But unlike them, he didn't survive because he was able to beat the director. He survive because this bastard Enry Arsin considered that his death would be more annoying to deal with than his life no matter what he did.

For the planet director, what was such an ennemy? A rat? A bug? No, not even that, a rat or a bug would've still been dealt with. For people like him, Harry's sorrow, anger and hard work were nothing more than specks of dust to quickly brush away and then forget just as quickly.

But what did Harry do to prove he was more than that?

"Yeah, in the end, hip, this bastard's right: I'm not even worth caring about..."

Harry started crying. Crying due to his own unimportance. Even when he wasn't yet a bitter alcoholic failure, he was still not a threat for anyone. If Tyler and the rest failed to cross the Outergate and died, the case would be closed by the planet's authorities, and if they actually managed to escape, then mesures would be taken...

... but none that would concern him. While Tyler, John and Erica would be fighting for freedom across the galaxy, he would stay there, enjoying the last pathetic few years of a meaningless life. What was such a thing worth?

"Dad! Dad! You're here, I finally found you! Hihi, you can't beat me at hide and seek!"

Harry turned his head and looked at Penny, who just entered the living room, and smiled weakly:

"Haha, you're right, you're still the best after all, my little peanut" he said.

"Really? You really think that? You're really too kind dad" she said before noticing the empty bottle in his hand.

She pouted

"Uh? You're drinking alone again? I always tell you not to do this!" she complained. "You know what the punishment is!"

She ran toward the sofa and jumped on him, before ruffling his hair with her tiny hands:

"Hehe, no brushing for drunkards!" she proclaimed.

"Haha, stop it my little peanut, it tickles!" Harry said as his face got some happiness back for a second.

Yes, Penny. She was the reason for his life not being completely meaningless. His adorable, innocent little girl...

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