The mistakes you can't fix 10

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the Paradise Council's territory, a large spaceship displaying on its sides the emblem of the Council entered a secret space station, struggling to land correctly. The ship was so damaged it looked as if it had went through an atomic explosion, and one would have had trouble to believe that anything could still work in this state. After several verifications and protocoles, the crew was finally allowedtoexit the ship to enter the station. And among them was the man who had killed Clark.

Half an hour later, he was walking through a corridor, struggling to walk and using a cane with his left arm, as the right one was stuck in a sling. He wanted nothing more than to reach his bed and collapse himself to sleep, but abandonned the idea as he saw a certain person approaching him:

"Pierrick, your finally there" the other man exclaimed upon seeing him. "Lord bless you, it has been two years already, I was really worried, I thought I'd never see you alive again"

He tried to hug Pierrick, but the latter dodged it:

"Well as you can see, I'm here... mostly okay" Pierrick said, showing his arm. "Thank you for worrying though, but maybe next time don't send me on this kind of suicide mission"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would end up meeting this guy in particular" the man replied. "I have to say, it's impressing that you came out of this safe and sound"

"Safe and sound? Even after being treated with Fefnir technology for months, I can't walk straight and my arm is still unusable, I wouldn't call it like that"

"Well, you were chased for two years by the strongest human being of the present days, being alive and not stuck in bed is already enough to say you came out of it with the good outcome"


"... Sorry"

Pierrick sighed:

"Anyway, you were right, as always" he said, taking off the ring from his hand. "I found a guy that made this thing react, and I managed to get a picture of him. Now, can you please tell me the point?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I put you through all of this and I don't even think about explaining anything" the other man said with his soft and kind voice. "You already know it but, just like the Lord blessed you with control over ice, he blessed me with the power of seeing the threads"

"The threads?"

"Yes, the threads of Fate, the ones that make the world move"

"That makes the world move? You mean that the threads of Fate are basically what makes up the flow of time?"

The man thought about it a bit, but then shook his head:

"Not quite, but it's hard to explain...did you hear about this scientific experience, the Schrödinger cat?"

Pierrick thought a bit before replying:

"I think it was something like that, a scientific named Schrödinger put a cat inside a sealed box, linked to a poison pocket that opens when photons change states, and the cat was technically both alive and dead until the box was opened and the cat's state was observed. The cat's experience in the past would depend on whether it was in a superposition state, where it simultaneously existed both alive and dead until observed.

So, before the box is opened, the cat exists in a superposition of states, being both alive and dead simultaneously. But when someone finally observes the inside of the box, it reveals that the cat was already dead since a the moment he was in the box. It's because the photons that activate the box by changing state-

"Ehm, your knowledge is really impressive, but you need to approach it from a simpler viewpoint" the man interrupted, slightly embarassed. "What you need to remember from this experience is that the change of state of certain things such as light, that switch between particules and waves depending on human observation, can provoke a change in the way events unfold even after they already unfolded. Put simply, even normal humans have the powers to change the course of time, simply because they're conscious of what exist around them. It doesn't have anything to do with magic or such: human consciousness has the power to change the way the universe works"

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