The origins of evil 3

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"Wises? What the hell's happening? You, the head of the Sage gang? Don't mess with me, you little cunt!" the man yelled. "If you don't free me right away, I'm gonna kill both you and this slut, you little-"

His yelling was quickly interrupted by a strong slap in the back of his head.

"Thank you Denis, our friend here definitely needed that to calm down" Wises said before looking him in the eyes: "You're calm now, riiiiight?"

"Go fuck yourself, when the police finds you, you-"

He once again got slapped in the back of his head by one of the Sage gang's members. This time, he calmed down, but still looked right at Saginus with the clear intent to kill him whenever he would get the occasion.

"Good" Saginus said. "Now, I think you said something about the police... you do realize police never wanders in this part of the city, right? Really, what was on your mind, following a girl you barely know sine a few days to such suspicious places, without notifying any friend beforehand? You know that if you'd be to disappear right now, there would be no trace left, right?"

"What... what do you want, money? Go on, say your price" the man said. "My parents are rich, you'll get whatever amount you wa-"

He could not finish his sentence, as Wises swiftly took out his gun and shot him, right in his left leg. The man tried screaming, but was gagged before he could have the occasion.

"MMMMPh!" he screamed.

"Oh, sorry, does it hurt?" Wises asked. "Or maybe you're sad that now, your legs are mismatched? Here, let me help you out"

Without any more ceremony, he shot the man's other leg, looking with attention as he almost choked from the pain.

"Happy?" Wises asked, talking off the gag.

The man breathed heavily but despite the pain, he still managed to ask:

"You... why are you doing that to me?" he asked.

Saginus faked thinking about it, his chine between his thumb and index:

"Good question, maybe because you insulted my passion of bowling? Called me creepy? Maybe because I'm jaleous that you're better than me in every way?" he wondered out loud. "So many possible reasons, really... Oh, but wait, I remember which one it is, now!"

He once again shot the man, this time in the arm and with no gag, not doing anything as he screamed to death.

"There's no reason at all!" Wises laughed. "You were just at the wrong place in at the wrong time with the wrong profile, that's all"

"Why... Ahhh... why..."

As the man was out of breath, Wises leaned close to him:

"Why, why, why" he repeated."Let me ask you back: why do you keep saying why, I already told you, there's no reason as for why it happens to you and not someone else. Melany was seeking for an arrogant mysoginistic pig and I was seeking for really anyone with a clear dream that's easy to fool you just met both criterias. It's amazing how people always think there's reasons and motivations to everything, even when you litteraly tell to their faces that there's not"

He laughed a bit before continuing:

"Oh, but wait a second, your dream was to become the boxe champion of your weight category or something like this, right? Hmm, now, with your legs and one arm out, it doesn't look so good, how sad... But hey, look at the bright side, you still have one valid arm! Now, your dream is already ruined, I don't have much interest left for you. You could go back to your parents, use their wealth to live the rest of your life in a comfortable little wheelchair... Hey, maybe with your remaining valid arm, you can write a book about what I just did to you. Of course, you can also stop being a piece of shit, build a family"

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