The mistakes you can't fix 9

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"Run! Just fucking run, or he'll catch us!"

Saying that, a soldier tried to hide behind a wall, but couldn't even approach it before his head was pierced by a bullet.

"Damn it, you're bullshitting! How the fuck did he come in without activating the alarm?"

Once again, the soldier saying that was shot right after.

"Shit! Why the security system doesn't work? We have to protect the sector manager!"

After one of the soldiers said that, there seemed to be movement in the office that the soldiers were guarding.

"Get off the way, peasants, I have to survive!"

As someone from inside the office said that, the same person quickly went out, grabbing one of the soldiers to use him as a human shield.

"Sir, what are you-"

The poor guy couldn't even finish his sentence as a bullet came and pierced his chest. The sector manager kept using his body as a shield until he reached a particular wall with Fefnir technology, going through it while abandonning the corpse. A minute later, an elegant floating ship came out of the top of the building at astonishing speed, piloted by the same sector manager.

"See you, peasants" he muttered without looking back.

Once he was far enough, he sighed in relief.

This man was François Bert, a former member of Cifer. After a while, he had grown tired of living in illegality, in constant danger, and had managed to strike a deal with the Council: they got him a good position on their territory, he gave them the location of one of Cifer's planets. This information was really valuable, as all their planets had been modified to be able to move in space, and localizing them was nearly impossible.

In the end, despite a good start, the attack had still failed because of some jerk that hacked the main spaceship, and François had been plunged into a nearly endless stress. Happily, the Council still held their part of the deal and, even though he didn't get the planet director's position he wanted in the start, he still got a more-than-satisfying one as the sector manager of an above-average planet. Sure, it was only sector N, but it was already more than enough to live in luxury for the rest of his life!

"Hehe, long live Paradise, the Cifer's idiot that'll get me that easily isn't born yet" he chuckled as his ship approached the floating mansion of his best friend, sector W director.

Every other sector director from A to V despised him because of his origin, and he himself had nothing but contempt for the lowest sectors managers, these dirty enslavering pieces of shit. Thus, he naturally had aimed to become close with sector W's manager, and had successed.

Seeing it was him, sector W's manager let him enter his mansion and went to meet him. François was still laughing to see how easily he could escape the assassin: Cifer really filled their ranks with newbies.

'Well, this bastard had a good aim, and enough skill to disable the security system of my office, not so bad' he thought. 'Too bad he had to try with me of all people, haha!'

Now, he just had to combine his efforts with his friend and, as two sectors managers working together, they would catch this Cifer bastard in no time!

As he saw his friend enter the hangar where he had parked his ship, he quickly came out of it, and walked toward him.

"Hey, Bartolt, we need to-"

He stopped his sentence as the two of them quickly looked at the ship in shock. Sticking to its surface, a few dozens small objects that he didn't notice earlier had started bipping, faster and faster.

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