The origins of Evil 5

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"Please... please, I beg you, don't kill me..."

This time, attached in the isolated apartment wasn't a man, but a chubby-looking women, trembling from head to toes. Suddenly, near her, a baby started to cry.

"Hush, hush, it's okay little baby, you won't be the one suffering for long" Wises said, lulling the baby.

As if to reply, the baby puked, putting some on his hand. Wises frowned and, without ceremony, he dropped the baby and kicked him into the wall with an horrifying noise.

"NOOOO, AAAAH!" the woman screamed, trying with all her might to get up.

But it was no use. She had already been weak from the start due to her recent pregnancy but now, attached to the chair, she had absolutely no chance to free herself to go and help her baby.

"Oh, don't worry about him, these little fellows can survive a fall from a building so a little penalty probably won't kill him, he must be unconscious, don't worry" Wises said.

The mother seemed to calm for a bit, until one of the Sage gang's members pulled out a firearm and shot directly in the baby's body, several times.

"There, now he's dead, thank you for getting rid of the uncertainty Denis" Wises said as the woman started crying again. "As for you..."

He smiled brightly and approached the woman:

"Don't worry too much, your life isn't over" he said. "At worst, you can still start all over again... you have a child, so you have a husband, right? he'll be there, he'll be with you through all the healing and eventually, you'll rebuild your life. Everything will be okay and, in the end, you'll just have another child..."

The woman's cries and screams lowered a bit as she listened to Wises friendly voice, and as she looked at him with a mix of terror, sadness, hatred, but also a glimmer of hope. But he simply chuckled:

"Of course, it would have been if I didn't do this" he said before shooting right at her stomach, looking at her eyes widening in shock, pain and surprise. "Now, I think it'll be a bit more complicated to have another child, sorry about that"

He shrugged:

"But don't worry, I used a small caliber, you won't die or faint before another dozen of minutes, it should be enough to contemplate your life choices, and every bad decision that led you there" he said. "And then, you'll realize that you did nothing wrong, and that everything that is happening to you is just a product of bad luck, because you were in the wrong place at the wrong moment"

He then turned to the members of the Sage gang, including Melany and Denis, the former looking awfully pale:

"Fellows, I know you're impatient but I'll have to ask you to wait her death to collect her organs" he said, loud enough for the mother to hear despite her progressively dulling senses. "After all, if anything, our esteemed guest deserves a bit of time to think about how scary and cold death is, and how there's nothing after death.

In the meantime, why not talking about her husband? Poor man, he must be so, so, soooo devastated, his dreams must be in shambles..."

He looked at the dying mother and smirked:

"It'd be such a tragedy if he were to be kidnapped and shown your organs before getting killed too, right?"

The woman, upon hearing this, cried one last tear of blood before dying.



Once again, Wises watched as the Thames welcomed anew corpse in its depth, and smiled as he watched the ripples rise and die:

Era of MadnessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant