The origins of Evil 7

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In the large room, many people were looking in silence at the man sat in the front row, not only handcuffed, but also a tight camisole that seemed as if it would eventually make him choke and die. In addition, there were almost a dozen policemen surrounding him, all wearing their service weapons, ready to shoot him at the first misconduct. On his seat, the judge finally decided to start the trial, even though the outcome was already set in the hardest of stones:

"Mister Woliès, if you're here today, it's for committing what is and will probably be known forever as the most long and infamous series of murder London has ever known, painting the waters of the Thames river in red. To this day, your victims are still impossible to-"

"One-hundred-and-thirty-nine" Wises interrupted. "One-hundred-and-fifty-one if we include the babies, though I don't really consider these little sacks of cries as actual people"

The court once again turned silent. Following this short blank, numerous screams of anger and shoutings mixed with cries of sadness and pain, and several people had to be immobilized or even taken out to prevent them from ripping Wises to bits:

"You see, your honor, I really made a point of remembering each and every one of them, so as to make the administration's jobs easier" he continued, unbothered. "Aren't I the kindest person you've ever see in here? No wonder the policemen have such trouble preventing all my fans from running to me asking for an autograph"


Even the judge couldn't believe that after everything he did, Wises could still speak with such audacity and shamelessness. Was this man truly not human?

The deliberations lasted for barely three minutes before the final decison was made:

"Wises Woliès, for the murder on one-hundred-and-fifty-one innocent people without the slightest of justification, you now are condamned to death" the judge declared. "Anything you want to say? According to the law, you now have fifteen minutes to tell your last words to the world before being dragged to your cell, where you will be awaiting your rightful punishment"

"Anything I want to say? Well, for starters, I'm sorry" Wises sincerly said.

Sinlence invaded the court as everyone looked at him, doubting their ears. And they were right because, the next moment:

"I'm sorry that I couldn't kill all of you too, along with your whole families. Had I managed to break your dreams before dropping all of your bodies too, you could've been part of my dream, that's unfortunate" he said, enjoying the look of ure anger on everyone's faces. "And most of all, I'm truly sorry I couldn't open your eyes about how pathetic you all really are. You think I'm a monster? Really? And what right do you people have to decide whether I'll die or not?

You all act as if I'm the only person in this world acting like this, killing people for no reason. But in truth, what do you know, exactly? It's not only murder, believe it or not but in this world, every crime is committed with a reason. It might be because one lacks money so they rob a bank, it can be that one lacks food so they steal a shop, just like it can be that one tortures and kill people because they want it, or for fun. Those are all 'reasons', the ones you people are always so curious about, yet when we give them out to you, you people never accept it.

Well let me tell you: do you think you people are better? Tell me, who never stomped on a bug because they annoyed you? Do you think that 'because they don't think' and 'they were annoying' are good reasons? Yet I'm pretty sure ants still feel pain. Who are you to tell it's not a crime? And who are you to think that, gods? No, we all are just creatures bound to die in the end, there's no difference between me, you people and the rats hiding in your walls. Wars are happening, thousands of people die every day during war. Those aren't either these nameless faces you would like to portray, a lot of them are even part of the same country, often even of the same city.

When they die, dozens a week, in a dirty trench, nobody cares, all you'll do is shake your head with pity when you see their families and friends cry in sorrow. What's the difference with what I do? Oh wait, when it's some random psychopath instead of an enemy soldier, it's all different? Funnily enough, that's not even that. The truth is, you only feel anger toward the culprit when they have a face. When students team up to bully another to the point of depression, drop-out or even suicide, people blame the ones whose names got revealed, but the ones that helped them in their actions from the sideline never get punished, they just have to assist to some boring speech on friendship and kindness, like anyone ever changed their way because of this bullshit.

I can garantee you that in this very hall, there are people no different than me, who just managed to keep the mask on. Politicians that steal money from people who are already on the brink of demise, via an increase of taxes, fund deviation, or new laws that increase the weight on the already unfavorised people, without even talking about all these procedures that stop the few good ones from actually doing something about poverty and homelessness. Leaders start wars, and people simply follow while complaining, spouting out their hateful nonsense without ever doing anything about it... No, actually, it's not just war. Climat, energy crisis, all of that is due to generations of humans that only think about themselves.

Even you, dear judge, have blood on your hands. How many times, by applying an inadequate sanction, have you ruined one's life? How many times did you unfairly condamned the victim but let the real culprit go away? Tell me, how many people have been wrongly accused for the murders the Sage gang committed? How many false agressions rumors have led to people's reputations being ruined? Do you finally understand? That's the world we live in. And all of you are the same, you all encourage this behavior. All of you have blood on your hands. It doesn't matter if I'm worse than all of you, maybe you can find comfort in this, but it will never change the fact that you, all of you, also are iredeemable pieces of shit too"

He laughed, looking at everyone around around with a manic grin. In this moment, nobody even thought about checking the time, to see if the fifteen minutes had already ended. There was no cries, shoutings or screams anymore, just silent listeners to a demon who had fallen:

"But it's good, truly! Thanks to Feng Chang bringing Fefnir technology, almost all the problems threatening humanity in the near future disappeared in a blink" he continued. "Believe it or not, but I'm really, really grateful for it. Thanks to him, humanity will last for a long, long time after my disparition, and you all will keep living to suffer, and to remember me! After my death, my crimes will remain, and you'll see: with each new generation, all your pain and suffering will stay. It doesn't matter if it's my disparition or the apparition of Fefnir tech, humans will always suffer, simply because we are always the cause of our own problems!

Someone's dream will turn to reality, someone else's will turn to a nightmare, but I'll say it right now: from now onward, and even after my death, you all have joined me in my chase of my dream. Because deep inside, there's a Saginus in all of you. All of you always have this little voice in your head telling you to give up your mask, and just let yourself cede to your fantasms of violence. At some point, everyone will have, had, or have right now the desire of punching, stealing, belittle, and hurt someone else, not because you have a reason but because it's your true nature. Humanity is my new team, deep inside, all of you are part of the Sage gang. All of you made a deal with the devil, and this devil is me"

At this moment, the policemen finally seemed to remember that the fifteen minutes were over, and started to drag him out. But before being forced out, WIses managed to leave behind one last promise:

"And one day, I'll crawl out of hell and make sure you hold your part"

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