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**WARNING - This chapter contains sexual content that isn't suitable for readers under 18. Readers' discretion is advised.**


"Well, aren't you a charmer," I muttered.

Ace broke out laughing. "How drunk are you?"

"Eh, I'm getting there. Why aren't you on the same level as me?"

"Because I know how to handle my alcohol, unlike you. Is this the first time you ever drank or something? I wouldn't have given you a third one if I knew that."

I waved him off. "I'm fine, I just stayed away from alcohol for a long time."

"That makes sense," he said. The air turned frigid around us.

"Ah, hell. I always do that, my life is so miserable I always ruin the mood."

He chuckled. "I wouldn't say that is your fault. You're allowed to be angry at your life, you have every right."

"Is that why you were always so angry in high school?" I joked.

He nodded. "I was an extremely angry kid, thanks to my Dad. It was the only emotion he really showed, he was only proud of me if I accomplished something he wanted me to accomplish. It didn't matter if I succeeded in something I loved, he just called it a waste of time."

"Damn, we really had some asshole Dads."

He laughed and finished off his beer. "Want another one?" he asked.

"Might as well, keep this nice buzz going."

He frowned but handed me another can. "Let me know when it gets too much, and I'll move you to the bedroom."

I smirked and felt how lazy it was. "Why, so it's easier for you?"

"Don't tempt me with a good time, but no Isla, I'm not that big of an asshole."

"Do you really like me?" I asked out of nowhere. I knew what I was saying, but I had no control over the words.

He sighed. "Yes, I really do. I've liked you for a long time, but I thought after high school graduation that I would never see you again, so I gave up on my feelings at some point."

"Why did you chase after so many girls then, but just bullied me?"

Ace smiled and I realized how much I liked it; how sweet and soft it made his face appear. "Because I needed some sort of release. I would chase girls that reminded me of you, but when I finally got them, it wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't satisfied, so I ended it."

This entire time I always thought he was just a playboy, but he was chasing something he was never going to find. Me.

"Wow, that's kind of sweet in a weird way," I said.

"No one said I was good at being romantic, clearly."

I stared at him for a long time and I could tell I was making him uncomfortable.

"I think if you really tried, you would be a pretty good romantic. You've been doing a pretty good job with me," I smirked.

He smiled back and moved closer toward me on the stool.

"Is that so? Good enough that I deserve a reward?" He stood extremely close to me; I could feel the heat coming off his breath and I was getting wasted on his musky smell.

"What kind of reward?" I asked. I barely recognized my own voice with how breathy it sounded.

"I could think of a few, but there is one reward I've strived a long time for." His voice dipped lower as he approached closer, his lips inches away until suddenly – they were on mine, and we snapped into the heaviest make-out session I've ever experienced.

I was no saint when it came to sex, but none of my experiences had been all that wild. At least, not as hot and heavy as this was. His hands touched every inch of my body and set it ablaze until I was sweating buckets and had to tear off clothing.

In one swoop, Ace picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, all without breaking our make-out session, and carried me to the bedroom. When my head hit the bed, I looked up and saw that we were in the room I was taking over, and not his.

I was too far gone, however, to really care where the hell we were. I just wanted him naked on top of me in any manner necessary. Never once in my life had I ever imagined I would be seconds away from having sex with Ace Huxley, I could see all the envious glares of girls from high school as he panted above me.

He was attacking me like he was dehydrated, and I was his only oasis, it made me feel like I was floating in heaven while also smouldering in the heat of hell.

"I'm not holding back, Isla," he whispered gruffly in my ear.

I absolutely loved the way he growled my name; it had my insides rolling.

I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him down closer.

"Please don't."

Those two words undid him, and he pounced on me in all his amazing, naked glory. I pushed him back to revel in the sight and glided my hands over his muscular chest and broad shoulders. I couldn't even wrap a hand around his biceps with how large they were and that fact unravelled me inside. I slipped out of my panties and bra, then pushed him back against the bed and sat down on top of him.

Ace groaned loudly as I slid over him and his head lolled back, then rested on my shoulder as he pushed me down further. I hissed out a small moan as I felt my stomach contract and pleasure seeped in. It was a wonder it didn't hurt with how constricted his cock felt inside of me, barely able to move around as I slid up and down.

"Fucking hell, Isla," he groaned out and started to move me faster until he couldn't take it anymore and flipped us over to pound himself in me. "I can't take it anymore; I need all of you." He slammed his lips on mine and pumped himself inside me until I was screaming inside his mouth.

We reached our climax together as our moans and sweat filled the air, and then it was silent, other than our ragged, heavy breathing. Ace fell off of me but brought me against his chest.

"I really hope you're on the pill because I completely forgot to use a condom."

I chuckled. "I'm drunk, but not that drunk. We're fine."

He was quiet for a few seconds. "Are we? Fine, I mean."

"I'm not sure, but now I'm too tired. We'll figure it out in the morning."

I felt him kiss the top of my head and shifted down further so we were lying down together. "I won't be here in the morning; I have practice early."

I barely heard what he said as I drifted off to sleep, the fact of what happened tonight still not fully hitting me, until the morning.

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