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Ace Huxley

I had been entertaining Amber all night, but nothing felt different or off and I was on my second beer from her random case. I knew Isla and the guys were hanging around to make sure I was alright, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

I was waiting for Isla so we could start our big fight, but every time I scanned the room I couldn't find her and wondered if this was where my bad feeling was coming from.

"Why are you so distracted tonight?" Amber asked and pulled my face in her direction.

"I'm looking for my girlfriend," I grumbled.

She scoffed. "Why are you even with her? She's clearly sleeping around."

"What the fuck did you just say? This is Isla we're talking about, she's nothing like you."

Amber sneered but I walked away before she could say anything more. Something didn't feel right, I knew there was something wrong. I wandered around the party, but Isla was nowhere to be seen. My heart started beating faster in my chest the longer I couldn't find her.

I spotted Chase in the kitchen.

"Hey, man, have you seen Isla?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Last I saw, she was heading upstairs by herself."

'Why would she go upstairs?'

My legs moved before my mind did, but Amber stopped me at the stairs.

"Where are you rushing off to?" She grabbed my shirt.

"Not now, Amber. Isla is missing." I pushed her away and ran up the stairs.

"Isla, are you up here?" I called out, but no answer.

I walked further down the hallway and heard muttering from the bathroom, followed by laughs and hollers. I banged on the bathroom door, she had to be in there, but the door was locked.

"Open the door, assholes."

The door flew open, and three guys stood there, the ones that came with Amber. On the floor – was a passed-out and naked Isla.

I saw red. I didn't know what happened next, but my fists went flying and my vision went black. I could barely comprehend the punches and kicks I was receiving and kept fighting my way to Isla.

At some point, Chase had joined in, but I was too far gone.

I just had to get to Isla.


I once again woke up to a slight beeping and a white ceiling, but this time someone was talking near me, I could barely hear.

"Cervix...isn't ruptured...bruises...all over..."

I rubbed my swollen head and sat up in bed. I looked around the bright room, expecting to see Ace somewhere, but there wasn't anyone else in the room. I looked out the door and saw the nurse speaking with someone, assuming it was Ace.

I pulled the wires out of my hand and slowly got up. Pulling the wires alerted the nurse and she rushed into the room, pushing open the door and revealing the Devil himself.

"Hello, sweetheart. It's been a long time."

My father.

"What are you doing here?" I backed away, the nurse urging me to get back into the bed.

"I'm your emergency contact, you never thought to change that the last time you were here? No, but you thought to hide your last visit from me, didn't you?" he growled.

"Nurse, please don't leave me alone with this man."

She gave me a funny look. "Is he not your father?"

I shook my head.

"Well, his ID matches what we have on record, are you sure?"

"She's just being hysterical. We haven't seen each other in a long time, she must just be recovering from the shock. Can you please fetch us some water and something easy to eat, love?" he smiled that usual fake smile and had her swooning.

It would be a lie if I said my father wasn't an attractive man, despite the beer gut and evidence of alcohol poisoning over the years. He hid it well.

"Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the little sack of shit in the next room. I thought I told you to stay away from him and now look at you? Naked on a bathroom floor of a frat house, getting tossed around by different guys."

"What the hell are you talking about? Nothing happened! I wouldn't be in this situation if you had ever been a real father to me!" I screamed and earned myself a slap across the face.

I laughed. "You would still dare beat me in a hospital?"

He looked shocked, as if he just remembered where we were, then snarled.

"You're coming home with me," he said.

"Like hell I am, I'm a grown adult and I can do as I please."

He grabbed my arm, rough. "Not if you want that boy ever to see the light of day again."

"Leave him alone! What did Ace ever do?"

"Enough! I am getting you out of here the second they discharge you, don't even bother trying to fight me or he's next. Understood?" he said sternly, then stalked out of the room and slammed the door.

I couldn't go anywhere with nurses and doctors running around everywhere outside. Every time I tried to leave the room, I was pushed back into my bed. I waited until nighttime when the hallways were empty and snuck out of my room and passed reception.

I looked at the list of patients on the walls until I found Ace's room. I took a deep breath outside the door and prepared myself for what I was about to see, but even that wasn't enough when I finally opened the door.

Lying in the bed was a bruised and battered Ace. He was so battered I could barely recognize his face. Dark bruises covered his arms and legs, his face a solid black and blue colour.

"Oh my god, Ace," I crumpled and cried next to his bed.

'This is all my fault. What is going to happen if my father gets a hold of him?'

I thought, in this condition, he could never fend off my father.

"Please, wake up Ace, tell me what I should do," I begged and whimpered by his bedside, but he never answered me.

By the time the sun rose and there was still no answer from Ace, I had made my decision. I couldn't stand to ever see him like this again, or worse – dead. My father wouldn't control himself with Ace, he would kill him if he ever got his hands on him.

"I'm so sorry, Ace. I love you."

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