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**WARNING - This chapter contains sexual content not suitable for viewers under 18.**


We were all over each other before we were even through the front door. Hands tore at clothes while our legs moved backwards at expert speed. We made it to the bedroom when he picked me up, both of us stark naked, and walked us into the bathroom.

I was so distracted by his lips ravishing mine that I didn't know what was happening until the soothing hot water hit my back and I screamed in surprise.

"Shower sex, that's a first for me," I managed to get out between moans.

Ace growled against my neck. "Don't tell me that."

I wondered if I said something wrong until I was hoisted higher, then slammed into me with so much force I swore I wasn't going to be able to walk after this. I had class in an hour, and I was always there 10 minutes before it started, but for once I was willing to throw caution to the wind and be late.

Despite the water that poured over us, he slid in and out with ease and pushed up against the bathtub wall. We clung to each other like a lifeline and let out all the sexual tension that had festered between us over the past few weeks. I knew I was going to regret this once it was over, but for the moment all I cared about was how amazing he felt inside of me.

"I can't get enough of you, Isla," he growled.

"Yeah...same, I lied earlier," I said.

I heard him chuckle against my chest as he gathered my breast in his mouth and bit down gently, which earned a gasp from my mouth.

"Your body betrays you; I knew the first time."

"Knew w-what?"

He claimed my lips once more in a heated kiss.

"That you're mine now."


I had to all but race out of the house after the too-long shower sex session we had, just to make it to class on time. I made it a minute before the teacher arrived and rushed to my seat to act like I had been there the entire time.

But as soon as the lesson started, I zoned out and started thinking about Ace again. I was once again left confused about what we are, even though I also feel he has made it clear that we won't be anything more than fuck buddies.

Did that mean he was attracted to me but didn't like me? It knew most of it was due to his father, but if his feelings were genuine, wouldn't he throw caution to the wind? I did what I had to do to get away from my father, it wasn't easy, but I knew I had to.

Was he afraid of losing the security blanket his father provided? I could understand that to a degree, but it just meant I wasn't worth giving it up for. Here I was though, scolding him for not knowing what his feelings were when I didn't even know myself.

I wasn't sure how I felt toward Ace at that moment. I was definitely attracted to him, even in high school I was, but did I like him? Did I want to date him? I had no idea.

Maybe it was best to cruise at the level we were at. But for how long?

I had barely noticed when the class ended and realized there were only a few hours until the game tonight and I had no idea what I was going to do when I saw Ace. Would I be happy? Nervous? Angry? I hated being in limbo in our relationship.

To my shock and utter angst, Ace was waiting for me outside of the classroom, but he'd didn't don his usually cocky grin and looked rather depressed.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

He shook his head and grabbed my hand to lead me away from the class and out of the building. He didn't stop until we were at his car and away from prying eye, then he slammed his lips on mine and forced his tongue into my mouth.

The kiss was desperate as he clung to me. It made me nervous and scared for whatever he had to say.

"I'm sorry, Isla," he said as he pulled away.

"What's going on, Ace? You're kind of scaring me."

I heard him gulp and he closed his eyes. "My Dad is in town; he's going to be at my game tonight."

Oh, that made sense. "Why is he coming to this game?"

"He heard there were going to be scouts, but it's for the senior players, I'm only a junior. But that isn't stopping my Dad from coming to rub shoulders with them."

He dug around in his pocket and took out a pack of smokes. Before I knew what I was doing, I slapped the pack out of his hand.

"Since when the hell did you smoke?" I cried out.

He cocked a brow. "Since high school, sweetheart. Did you ever wonder why I never bothered you in the morning?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I just assumed you skipped morning classes to sleep in."

"I always made my classes, I was at the top just like you, we were just always in different class groups."

'Is that really true?' I wondered, then remembered that to get a sports scholarship to the University of Ohio, you had to have top grades just like me, so there was no way he was a flunky in high school. Yet, I always assumed he was.

"Huh, I guess for the amount of time we spent bickering with each other, we never actually knew one another," I said. "So, I guess that means I shouldn't go to the game tonight?"

"What, of course, you should still go. Knowing you're there will make me feel better, knowing my Dad is there will make me nervous, I need that balance to do well tonight."

Striving under pressure. That wasn't something that necessarily came naturally to a person, maybe to some, but it wasn't the pressure that drove a person it was the adrenaline. There is no fun adrenaline to be had with just pure anxiety.

"I'll make sure to stay out of his view."

But I had a better idea. It was time Daddy dearest, and I talked.


I sat at the very top of the bleachers and waited until the end of the game to see the man who approached Ace, knowing that would be his father. There was a chance he would scold him for the game since they lost, but only by one point and it was made in the last 5 minutes of the last period, it was a fluke but it still counted.

I watched as Ace skated off the ice and was instantly approached by a larger man who was the spitting image of him, with dark blonde hair and muscular build even for an older man. I waited until their conversation was done, and after Ace walked away looking frustrated again, he approached his father.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you Ace Huxley's father?"

He gave me a once-over look and seemed to approve, which also meant there was a chance he didn't recognize who I was.

"Who are you?"

I stuck out my hand. "My name is Bella, and I was looking to rent a room in your son's apartment."

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