Thirty-Three (END)

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I once again woke up to the familiar white walls and slow beeping sounds beside my head. It seemed like too many times I was waking up here, it almost felt like a dream. But I knew it was real when I moved my toes and fingers.

My head ached as I tried to sit up, but there was a heavy weight on my chest. I saw Ace asleep on top of me, one hand holding mine. I went and gently stroked his hair, but my fingers froze when I realized something.

"I remember," I muttered out loud.

Holy shit, I remembered everything! From my father kidnapping me, right down to getting bashed over the head by Amber.

Ace stirred below me and groaned. "Isla?"

"I'm right here."

He snapped up from the bed. "Isla! Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay, Ace." I smiled gently and caressed his cheek.

He grabbed my hand and clutched it tight. " you remember?"

I nodded and gripped his hand back.

"I guess that second knock to the head was all I really needed to put things back into place," I chuckled.

He tackled me in a hug and squeezed so tight I thought my eyes might pop out. I patted his back as he wept silently into my shoulder and felt the mist in my own eyes.

"I looked everywhere for you, I knew you were out there waiting for me. I'm so sorry, Isla, I'm sorry..."

I let him get it out as much as he wanted, not able to understand the pain he must've gone through the past few months. I was living life blissfully without memory or care at the time, but he had to have been going through agony the entire time, wondering if I was even alive.

"It's okay, everything is back to the way it belongs. But, what happened to Amber?" I asked.

Ace took a second to compose himself before he answered.

"She was arrested and charged with battery assault and assault with a weapon, we won't be seeing her for a while hopefully."

I relaxed a little hearing that. The two people who seemed to want to erase me from this world themselves have finally been erased. I could go on living with ease now.


3 months later...

It took a while for me to feel once again safe after everything that happened. I moved back into the frat house, and I wasn't able to leave the house unless I had someone with me, or I shared my live location with Ace.

He went back to school and thanks to his outstanding grades before, he was given a pass and a few extra exams to make up for what he missed and was welcomed back to the team with open arms and lots of hollering.

Since my accident was proven to the school, I was also given a pass and an extra month of school to make up for what I missed so I would be able to graduate the next year, but this year was Ace's last year. We had to figure out what we were going to do after his graduation, we would no longer be together.

His father had finally backed down after seeing his son fall apart under all the pressure and loss he was dealing with. Ace thankfully had a father who woke up a lot sooner to the damage he was causing his son, rather than continue to cause permanent damage between them.

That didn't mean he approved of our relationship, but after hearing what I had gone through with my own father, he had softened a little toward me.

I had just finished my last class of the day and was heading back to the frat house to see what the boys were up to this time since none of them had been answering their phones all morning, including Ace. The outside looked normal, no crazy number of cars or loud music from inside, which was a good sign.

I opened the front door and a pop! went off in front of my face as streamers rained down before me.

"Happy Birthday, Isla!" everyone cheered.

"What the hell is this? It's not my birthday," I said as I tried to make my way through all the decorations and balloons.

"No, it happened during your accident, and we never got to celebrate," Ace said. He walked out carrying a small package, small enough to fit something I was afraid of.

"Come, sit down and see what we all got you!" Chase said and pulled me into the living room.

For the next hour, I opened presents like video games, gift cards and surprisingly some female products like lotions and bath oils. The last present was from Ace, but he wasn't giving it to me until after the party.

We went on to eat and destroy the cake they got me, then drank and gamed out for the night. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time, even before I lost my memories. I never wanted it to end, but Ace soon pulled me away from everyone and brought me upstairs.

"It's time for you to open my present," he said.

We sat down on the bed, and he handed me the box. A good sign that he wasn't getting down on one knee, but I still panicked when I opened it and saw a small ring box.

"What is this?"

"Just open it and see."

I popped it open, and there was a key inside.

"A key? What for?" I asked.

He smiled. "For our new place, where we will start our future together."

I felt tears come to my eyes as I covered my mouth in shock. I had been worried about what was going to happen to us after graduation, but I never voiced it because I knew how much he had on his mind already.

But he already knew, without me saying a word. He went above and beyond to secure our future and banished my biggest fear without me knowing a thing.

"This is amazing. Thank you, Ace." I threw myself at him for a hug.

"You deserve nothing but the best, Isla, and I promise to always give you it." He pulled away and planted a firm kiss on my lips.

"I love you, so fucking much."

I giggled. "I love you so fucking much too."


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