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(Dan POV)
I started crying in my pillow around 1 hour later I fell asleep crying my eyes out.
When I heard the loudest sound of my ringtone I looked for the source of the sound, I picked up my phone and with my eyes half open I started down at the contact.
'Call from : unknown number'
I picked it up and said at but to loudly
"Love, don't cry. Never cry. I love you and it hurts me when you cry" He hung up. That was Phil. I know it, I know it was Phil.
I looked over on my end table and there was another note.
Dear Dan
I am here, I am near
I will run like a deer
You see me, you don't
You lose me, you bruise me
But I will always love you
And I hope to god you love me too
Love Phil XX
I decided to call Chris. After 2 rings he picked up.
"It's 7 in the morning on a Saturday, Dan. What do you want?"
"I got notes and calls"
"From who?"
"I'm on my way. Call PJ." Then the line went dead
"This is fucked" Chris said softly so my mum and Adrian wouldn't wake
We were sitting at the kitchen table and PJ just looked so surprised
"Do you think it's actually Phil?"
"I mean maybe" I said as I got up to get a cup of tea I grabbed my cup and on the kettle there was yet another note

Dear Dan, Chris, and PJ
Look in the closet in my old bedroom
Love Phil XX

"GUYS!" I shouted
"What?" Chris asked confused look I dropped my mug and it shattered on the ground but I didn't really care at all then.
"GO!" PJ shouted
We started running as Adrian grabbed my wrist on my out and asked very concerned
"What are you doing? You're going to wake up mom"
"Phil" that was all I said before I ran out with Chris and PJ.
I unlocked the door as I always have a key to his house and saw his parents on the couch.
"Are you okay boys?"
"Yes we are thank you" I replied as we kept running up the stairs. We ran into Phil's room, I opened the door to his closet and on the floor was the Spirt Board and a note that said

Dear Dan, Chris, and PJ
Let's play
Love Phil XX
"Anything for Phil" I said as I picked up the board and sat down on the bed with it.

ghosts exist // phanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat