What the actual fuck?!

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(Phil's POV)
"Dan" I whispered, tears were already streaming down my face. I got up from my seat and ran to the entry gates (where you find out if you go to heaven or hell) I found him waiting in line with a big smile on his face, the man who was first was allowed in so I opened up the gate and asked the "Host" you could call him that,
"Excuse me can I go see someone in line?"
"Sure I just need your name so you can get back in"
I whispered my name in his ear, when I pulled back to look at him he nodded and I ran. Dan was near the back he was about 8th in line.
"Dan, what the actual fuck?!"
"Phil? Is this really you?!"
"Of course it is! You're in heaven!"
"Oh my god! I love you! I'm sorry but that demon was eating my soul. In you're voice. I just couldn't take it, I'm so so sorry do you forgive me?" He had a stray tear on his face I wiped it away, and pushed my lips against his, about 8 seconds later we pulled away.
"Does that mean you forgive me?"
"Yes you potato"
"I wasn't a potato when you were pushing your face against mine!"
"Whatever I love you"
"I love you too" I held his hand. It was our turn, Dan looked really nervous so I gave him a hand squeeze to reassure him.
"Name" the host called.
"Daniel James Howell, I lived on 1763 Woodtrail street."
"Hmmm.... You have done a lot of cussing and you committed suicide, you have the same story as Phillip right here." He said with a laugh and continued, "although Phillip never swore, so you had the same demon as him, alright you are accepted." He said that with a smile and then opened the gate we walked in and it wasn't the same. I guess when you're with your loved one everything changes, I liked it.
"It's beautiful here Phil!" I kissed his hand and said,
"Without you it wasn't" I moved in front of him, and continued, "I love you Daniel James Howell."
"I love you Phillip Michael Lester."
"Our rooms over here. If you wanna I don't know..."
He tugged on my hand and said with an evil smile,
"Lead the way" we started running and that's why he is the light of my life this is why he is perfect I love him. I love him.


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