Where was he?

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(Phils POV)
It's so boring here. No Dan. No PJ. No Chris. Just me. Heaven should have everything and everyone you love. You get
your personal heaven, mine has lions, Dan (of course), and my friends and family. But they're fakes, they do everything you love to make sure you are happy. They have no opinions like I know the real Dan, Chris, and PJ have. I was always unhappy, although the fake Dan and I had pretty crazy nights, but I know that with the real Dan they would have been better. I just wanted him back, that demon possessed me, made me lose my life and my true love, I had never told him I was in love with him. I was and I would do anything, anything to see him again. Suddenly Cally (one of the Angels) softly knocked on my door.
"Phil can I come in?"
"Sure" I said with a sigh.
She entered with a huge smile imprinted on her face.
"You can see Dan!"
"HOW?!" I asked with A LOT of urgency.
"There is a new crystal ball in the common room! Where you can see the human world! You can watch Dan and what he does!"
"Can I interact with him?" I asked.
"Sadly no. But you can still watch him!"
"Ok. Fine, lets go."
We started walking to the common room, I haven't seen the rest of the Angels in a while. Cally is my best friend so that's why I see her a lot. As we entered the common room I could see the crystal ball in the corner of the room. I was scared to see Dan, what if he didn't care I was dead? We reached the crystal ball and I looked at it. He was sleeping with another man, he looked familiar. Tears started falling from my eyes.
"Phil is that you?" Cally said pointing at the man Dan was cuddling with.
I had a sudden realization that man was the demon who killed me. If he laid a fucking hand on Dan he would be so fucked it's not even funny.
"Rewind" I said to Cally. She did as told and suddenly I saw everything. Since the first note up to them cuddling. It was all a dirty trick he was trying to kill Dan. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. I have to ask a favour from God, to go down to the human world and tell Dan to stay away from me tell him what's going on, to make sure he is safe and he always will be. I just hope he'll listen...


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