Chapter 4

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Healers POV

I was taking a walk on Earth in the woods when I saw a crashed ship. Me, being the nice person I am, I went to check it out.

"Who are you?!" I heard a female voice say. I turned around to see a girl who was wearing what looked like Dalek armor. She was holding out her hand that had a gun coming out of it.

"I am the Healer. Who are you?" I said warily.

"I am Meta, Dalek Commander!" She waved her hand and two daleks rolled up by her. "I crash landed here. Are you the tow truck people?"

"No but I can help, most likely"

"Oh. I need some parts for my ship. My Daleks can't supply them. I need a chameleon sensor, some cables, and a oxygen life support tank."

"I can make those in a second. Where do you need them?" I ask, thinking of my Creation power. (I can make most things with this power.)

"My ship is down that way. I'll tell the Daleks not to kill you."

"Thanks. That would be useful to not die." I say jokingly. I then walk in the direction she is pointing. "Can you come with?" I ask Meta.

"Sure." Meta walks with me over to her ship. "So are you a do-gooder?"

"It depends on who you are..." I say, which is true.

"Well sometimes I get super crazy and Daleky. Not good. I'll kill anything. I think it's because of dalek essence. Could you take it out of me?" Meta said, looking hopeful.

"Uh, DUH! That's a really easy one! Just put emotions back in! Then you can keep all the cool upgrades you have!" I say. I put my hands on her temples and put emotions back. "There. Done!"

"Thanks! I had no idea that would be so easy!" We arrive at a huge Dalek ship.

"So here we are. The sensor can go here and the tank and cables over there." Said Meta, indicating where the things should go.

"OK!" My eyes turn green and the things appear where they need to.

"Hey that was cool! Wanna take it for a spin?" Meta asked.

I smile. "Yes!" I then thought of my TARDIS. "I just have to be back here in a little while, Ok?"

"Ok." Meta presses buttons and levers. We shoot into space. "Oop I'm getting a distress call.."

"OK. I can help!"

"Looks like we're heading into war..." We entered into a war zone.

"Oh! This is going to be FUN!" I say excited.

"Hold on!" Meta said nervously.

I laugh loudly. "This is nothing compared to what I am used to! I have traveled with the Doctor. He leaves his brakes on so its bumpy."

"Hey who's that?"

"Oh. Just a friend I have traveled with."

"No someone is standing there!"

"Hey." I waved at a girl. "Rhea."

"Uh, who are you and how did you get on her ship?" Meta asked, pointing to Rhea.

"I was just inspecting. What a marvellous craft you've got!" She rubbed the surface of the door.

"But you were not allowed on. How did you get on?"

"Sonic screwdriver. Got it from a friend. Well, I might've stolen it... But he found out and got a new one instead." She showed off, while taking it out of her pocket and throwing it up and down.

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