Chapter 8

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Rhea's POV

"Thonngge, Go ronnkz aztlaagezth!" I said, in my own language.

"Uh, what does that mean?" The Healer asks.

"Dawn, I have returned... I guess your TARDIS doesn't translate Earzpetuon."

"No. The translation circuit is broken... It annoys the heck out of me. And I can fix it, and I have, but then it just gets broken again."

"I don't need translators. And even if I don't know a language, that's fine with me because I can't cope with mixing them all up. I know them all by heart."

"I know many, but haven't learned even more. Some annoy me."

I stood up and prepared my armour. And very cautiously, I headed for the door. "Go ion the troy... You know, Dawn's not really mean... She's just over protective and really responsible."

"Yes. I know a few people like that."

Pressing the button for the door, I suddenly felt comfort to be back home again.

"Understandable. I wish I could go back home." The Healer said, looking sad.

I saw Dawn waiting by her own ship. We were in the Pon Forest. Though, judging by the flat horizon, we were probably in the middle of it.

"Arzon." She glared.

"Tonge." I answered. She teleported in front of me and gave me an ambush hug.

"Whyyyyy were you trying to escape!?" She shook my neck back and forth, almost choking me. "Couldn't you have at least gone easy on the guards!? You're lucky they had armour!!"

"Oi! Watch, it girl!" The Healer said, coming over. I noticed she had an armor that fit her perfect on. "Its a special metal that I created. It becomes whatever I need or want it to be. I normally wear it to look like normal clothes." I heard in my head.

I made her let go. "It's- *cough* okay. Though, Dawn, I'd say 'Hello' first as a warning...!"

"Still." Healer said, wary of Dawn.

I don't know where Meta went. "Healer, where's Meta? She's not in her pod anymore."

"I don't know..." The Healer replied. "I'll do a search for her." Her eyes turned green and she spaced out. A minute later she looked at me worriedly. "I can't find her."

"Maybe it's the shields. Dawn, would we have to fight again?"

Dawn turned her back on me. "Only if you try and escape without my permission."

Suddenly I saw someone out of the corner of my eye creeping up to Dawn.

I see the Healer mouth to me 'what is that?'

I returned a message. 'Gurcher. A baby Xargo. Harmless. Well, that's what I say.' But Dawn turned again and caught me with a weird expression.

"What?" She looked puzzled.

"Oh nothing" The Healer says quickly.

'Their sharp hands are poisonous.' I look back at her.

'I know that. I lived with them for a while.' She mouths to me.

'But there's been no records of anyone being with them or anything. Not even their own parents. And we should stop talking like this...' I saw Dawn crossing her arms as I said my last sentence.

"What are you guys... Mouthing about!?"

"Gurcher. There you go, your 'highness'!" I said sarcastically.

"Ha!" The Healer laughed.

The gurcher went up to Dawn and whispered something in her ear.

"Thank you. I will now tell them." She said, smiling. "If you realize who is missing, I have her."

"What. Have. You. Done. With. Her?!" The Healer said angry.

Suddenly I saw a hologram of Meta being tortured. She was struggling to avoid impending knives.

"Wait, What are they doing to her?! They are not supposed to hurt her that bad!" Dawn said angrily.

The guards paid no heed to what she said. Meta started saying, "If you can hear me guys, tell my Daleks I'll be home soon." Then she blacked out.

The Healer made a weird sound. Almost a crying sound. I looked over and saw one tear drop. "I invented this torturing way." She said "I taught it to the Assasins Order. And now they are using it against me."

Dawn ran to get Meta. She tossed Meta on the floor, gashed and torn up. "What did I tell you?!" She yelled at a few people at the back of the room."You people were supposed to-"

Meta coughed. "My Daleks.... Will they be ok?" She seemed to have forgotten that most of them had blown up.

The Healer suddenly disappeared then reappeared in the other room. "They blew up, Meta. Remember?" She said in a sweet small voice.

"Oh, Dawn, what have you done..." I whispered to myself.

Meta groaned. "No, we were just having tea in that room with them...."

"No you weren't dearie." The Healer then turned to the people in the back of the room. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! YOU KNOW ME AS WELL AS I KNOW YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" Her eyes turned red and the people disappeared. "Shoot. I forgot I made those for them..." The Healer said, her eyes turning brown again.

Meta groaned again and coughed wetly. "Take me home."

The Healer turned back to Meta ."I'm sorry but I don't know where your home is. You can live with me in my TARDIS for a little. I'm sure he would make you a room like the one you had."

"Take me to Skaro.." Meta whispered.

"I can't. I can never go there. I'll die. My TARDIS will build you an exact replica though. He did that for me..."

"No Healer, I need the real Skaro. Just tell them who I am and drop me off."

"I'll take her to Skaro, Healer." Dawn said. "Its my fault she is like this. I'm so sorry Meta. I had no idea they would take you."

"I forgive you. Now take me." Commanded Meta.

"As you wish" Dawn said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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