Chapter 5

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Meta's POV

I was shocked. My sister made a deal with an evil queen?! I mean, I knew she was evil... But that was because her brain had been taken out. Now she was ready to delete anything. Funny that they teamed up. It's like they knew we were together! Wait a minute!! Mind control? Nah.

"Guys! I think I know why everyone who hates us are suddenly becoming allies! THEY TRACK US! It has to be it! They would have never known each other unless they tracked us!" I quickly checked my daleks for any cameras. "Yup. See?! A camera." I pulled a camera out of the Dalek's eye stalk. What a clever place. They probably put that on while I was at Earth. I should really lock up my ship...

"Shoot." Healer says. "That looks like a Timelord assassins spy camera... No! It- it can't be! But it is! Well shoot. We have an angry Princess, a Cyberman Leader, AND Timelord assassins who are trying to kill us! And to top it off all of which have us THREE AS SISTERS!!!" She sounds annoyed.

"Must be a really good camera." I say.

How can I fix this? My Daleks can provide shields but they are temporary. I need to talk to my sister.

"Hey guys. I think me and Cyberleader need to talk. Dalek, pull up the holo screen."

"Why would THAT make a difference?!" Healer asks annoyed.

"Well maybe I can work something out." The screen is fuzzy and a blurry image appears.

"WHO IS THIS?" Says a cyber-y voice.

"Uh, hey sis! It's me Dalek commander. Your sister. Uh, yeah, I was wondering why you teamed up with Dawn. Also prepare to have your butt kicked because my Daleks and I have a surprise in store for you! Toodles!" Oops. I said that out loud. Man, emotions a hard to deal with.


Ok this was bad. I got into my armour. "Get ready guys."

Suddenly a blast hits the ship. We can all breath because of the oxygen life support tanks but lasers can hit us. I quickly suit up my armour but I'm not fast enough. A laser shoots near me. I have an idea..."AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" I'm hit! I am in so much pain!" A Dalek feebly rolled up, only to be pushed back.

The Healer pulled out her sword and her eyes went red, meaning she was about to use her destructive powers.

"Armour!" Rhea yelled and pressed the button on her suit.

"Eh?" Healer seemed distracted then got hit in her knees when she was fighting an oncoming Cyberman. Her knees. buckled under her."Urrrgggg!! My one weakness..." She said getting up."At least I have my weapons!" She said, seeming very annoyed.

"My only weakness is my heart, and you will never get to it without a fight!" Huaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Rhea's guns appeared from the wrist of her armour. Making a fist, she targeted, and a voice suddenly spoke. 'Royal Ray Ready To Fire.' Then it fired.

"Nice!" The Healer says.

I am curled up on the floor. "Nice Rhea." I mumble.

"Meta? What's wrong?"

"I got shot." Blood seeps on the floor. Heh. This plan will work nicely.

"Oh, shoot. I would heal it but, my powers are disabled."

"Get me to Cyber-" my tongue lolls out. Too much drama? Nah.

"Cyber Cyber Cyber-WHAT?!" Healer says.

"Cyber commander.." I whisper. "Maybe if she see's what she's done she'll change her mind."

"I-i can get you to her. Just keep still." Healer looked defeated.

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