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"... Wow", Vegas said breaking the silence

" Oh! Shut Up Vegas",Pete said blushing as Kim was still bewildered with the outburst of him and Little Porchay was in tears. Kinn Just shook his head at their behaviour, he looked up at Kim's face and was surprised to find raw emotions on his face.

"Kim, Don't take Pete words-

" *sigh* I'm sorry okay? I feel Guilty, now don't expect much from me", Kim said rolling his eyes but his eyes reflected guilt, worry and hurt.

"I think You should leave now, Porsche must be worried", He said before getting up from the sofa and making his way to stairs. Kinn was feeling numb, as he nod too getting up and making his way out of Kim's home but before he could exit Kim words stopped him in between

" and kinn? ", Kim said without looking at him. " hm? ", Kinn hummed looking at him with some hope

" I do support you and I will respect your choice and if it's a girl, I will be her favourite uncle ", Kim said looking up straight in kinn eyes with a smirk

" We will see that Little brother ", Kinn said smiling before leaving


Kinn reached Mansion after One hour because Kinn really wanted an ice cream and It Took Pete half hour to come across any ice cream stall. Well Vegas was really done with his cousin antics but Couldn't get angry because of Kinn Baby

"and You are telling me this is just starting, All the best Porsche", Vegas mumbled with some curses and left back to Minor mansion with Pete because Venice was crying with Macau and Vegas had some paper work to complete

Kinn was standing looking from gallery 
but his moment was interrupted by korn and his bodyguard

"You are my favorite son, Kinn. I always choose you and yet you made me disappointment. The child growing in your stomach is a girl", Korn said with fake sympathy

" Don't dare to harm my baby ", Kinn said while clenching his fist

" We will see that My Boy ", Korn said and Kinn lost his patient.

He tried attacking Korn But his bodyguard hold him back and suddenly he felt deja vu. He was 18 again when he left Korn and ran away after knowing korn dirty tricks. He hissed in pain when someone punched him.

And The beating start. He was alone and they were many.he couldn't protect himself from them, he desperately wanted Porsche to come and protect him and his baby. He hold his stomach trying to protect his baby. Several kick, punches were thrown on him.

He was lying on floor, grunting in pain pinned on floor by many bodyguard.

" You think that Porsche can save you and your baby, poor kid. No one can love you, you don't deserve that. You are unworthy of everything. You kept disrespecting me.Neither you filthy child will come in this world. Everyone you will love will leave you eventually. No one can stand a attitude like yours just Like Your mae", Korn said with fake sadness

"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MAE WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH", He shouted with only energy in him. He was loosing his consciousness due to beating but Korn just laughed at him

"She Lost her life to a disrespectful, unworthy son like you. I tamed you like a perfect dog, but you had to turn out Unloyal ", Korn said and everything turned black

When Kinn woke up, he was in his own room. His whole body was hurting especially his right shoulder. He didn't know what to feel, Guilt? regret? sadness? He was worried about his baby He needed to go to doctor compound right now. His Mask is cracking, he can feel it and it scares him so much. He can't be weak , He is Mafia Heir but those tears started falling like waterfalls.


" P-porsche", Kinn said his voice cracking

"what have you done Kinn", Porsche whisper looking around the mess Kinn has made. It was looking like a storm has arrived in the Home. Everything was broken, shattered. There was blood..

Suddenly Porsche all attention was on Kinn. Porsche stare at Kinn, he noticed Kinn eyes were dark black, no hint of happiness or life in them.His faces was covered with many red and Blue bruises. His Left arm was bleeding, there was broken glasses, stuff surrounding him

" Who did this to you", Porsche growled, his protective instinct kicking in.He was ready to tear the world apart. He will destroy each and every person who's reason of Kinn'a condition and Only one person was coming in Porsche Mind.

"Pa", Kinn said in low voice and Porsche almost missed it

" fuck, I should have been more aware ", Porsche growled but when Kinn let out a small hiss, he became more worried

" We should go to hospital", Porsche said determined but Kinn shook his head

" NO",

"Kinn Listen y-

" No! I said No ", Kinn said backing away from Porsche but the movement brought more pain to his shoulder and he let out a scream. Hospital means Red, Everyone who go to there dies. The Hospital wall screams terror, Danger and Death. His Mom Went to hospital and She never came back. Then he got kidnapped, Hospital always mean trauma to him

"okay, we really need to meet doctor. Let's go to Doctor available in Mansion right now ", Porsche said softly and Kinn nodded because he really need to know if his baby is okay. He was angry at korn but feeling helpless stayed quiet

Forcing kinn to doctor compound, Porsche waited outside till they treated kinn. Soon Their doctor came outside
but before he could speak , Porsche mobile rang

".... yea I'm coming", Porsche cut the mobile with a groan

" is he okay? I need to go right now. Make sure he receive proper rest and care ", Porsche said and left immediately

"I'll Fight Hell To Hold You" / Kinnporsche FancitionWhere stories live. Discover now