Chapter One

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The boxes were almost stacked taller than Mallory would've liked; she couldn't see over them. Her brown eyes glanced around the small pathway that was leading further into home, brows furrowing in slight confusion.

It was empty.

Boxes aside, the home was rather cold and desolate with no forms of life inside of it. There was no pictures, no books, no little details of old memories to be seen. It was like everything Mallory had lived through had been packed up.

She wore a red and black plaid dress, of which ended by her knees, white stockings, a beige cardigan and black pumps. Her outfit seemed more colourful than the house would ever be again.

"Bethany?" She called out, her fingers delicately touching the lime green of the walls as she walked further into the home; she walked towards the stairs to the floor above. "Beth, honey, it's time to go!"

Mallory felt her brows pinch together as she finally stopped moving, her hand barely grasping the banister as she felt a chill up her spine. There was a static feeling in the air, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge.

"What the-" she turned, her brown eyes searching for anything. The cross on the necklace around her neck dazzled as the light above flickered ominously. Something wasn't right.

Mallory left it a moment, standing still and simply watching. She had belief that she would pass when the time is right, like all others in the world. They would pass when God, the Holy Father, willed it so.

And so she was not afraid, not even when the light stopped flickering and remained turned off like it had done before. With a sigh, she shook her head and turned back towards the stairs. Ignorance was often bliss, as she used to be told, and she could only hope it wasn't a sin to be so ignorant.

"Bethany!" Her voice was slightly raised, but she knew how tough it would be on the young girl.

"Lory, I don't wanna go." The young girl was youthful in her looks, her own light brown hair in waves down her back, two strands delicately tied behind her head to keep her fair from her face. Like her sister, Bethany had brown eyes that were as warm as the sun and as kind as the angels above.

Mallory was sad to know they wouldn't hold so much innocence forever.

"I know, my dear." She said, opening her arms and allowing the young girl to fall into her comforting embrace. "Just have faith, Beth, and we'll be okay."

"How?" The question struck a nerve inside of Mallory. Never had Bethany questioned the prospect or believe of God, normally she nodded and eagerly agreed that faith was needed, but not today.

Mallory was a devoted believer in God and the Holy Spirit, whether it's because she needed someone to believe in for everything in her life or whether its because its easier than facing reality.

She didn't know.

But she knew she'd keep the faith as long as the little girl in her arms stayed innocent, for if she no longer kept her kindness, her grace and her innocence, was there really a God? For what God would take that from a girl as sweet as Bethany Blaire?

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