~ Found You ~

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Scene starts with the mafia brothers -

Park Jimin was walking in the big garden, he was smelling the air of the garden. Min Yoongi came toward him,

Min Yoongi: So, why you came back to Korea?

Park Jimin turned around, he was looking at Min Yoongi with a angry gaze,
' What if I don't go back? ', said Park Jimin.

Min Yoongi: I don't care! ( Walks away with a cold face ).

Few minutes later, everyone sat in the table to have breakfast. Kim Hwang was looking at Park Jimin, Jimin didn't notice it but others did. Maids were serving the food and his secretary Park Young was also there standing beside Park Jimin. Park Jimin turned his eye into Park Young, he was looking at him as he will just kill him now. Park Young also had a eye contact with Park Jimin, his hands were shaking as he made a eye contact.

He was confused that why his hand are shaking, also he was afraid of Park Jimin from when he was young.
*Kim Hwang Shin tells his secretary to sit with them*
*Park Young sits with them*

Kim Hwang shin: Let's have a breakfast together also Mr. Young will tell us rest of the story.

Park Jimin: What story?

Kim Taehyung: A fairytale maybe? What should I call?

Kim Hwang Shin: Not a fairytale, a mysterious story.

Park Jimin: About whom?

Park Young: About the
' Immortal Guy '.

Park Jimin was looking at Mr. Young with a boring face and he side eyed him, ' You guys heard half of the story? ', said Park Jimin.

Kim Hwang Shin: Yes, we already heard half of it probably. Mr. Young just start.

Mr. Young: Yes, sir! So, everyone wanted to kill the immortal guy but it was impossible. But there was a girl who had the probability to kill the immortal guy. She is the daughter of the general, her name was Shin Hui In and her father is General Shin Haoji Im. General's father is from the Shin family and his mother is from the Im family. Shin Hui In's mother is a cousin of his father, so her parents are both from Shin family.
Shin Hui In was famous by the name '. ' Beautiful Fighter ', but her another famous name was ' Dark Knight '.

Everyone were shocked that a girl was knight, " She was a knight? " , said Jeon Jungkook.

Mr. Young: Yes, she was. Not just a knight but a powerful knight. Male warriors were afraid of her as she is the daughter of the general and she was also the commander of the royal guards. But that time, women could only learn some words and language but not other things that men could learn, They had to get married when they turn 16. Shin Hui was 18 but she didn't wanted to marry as she was the commander.
Her mother Shin Jiyeon also supported her daughter, they had only one daughter.

Her father didn't support Shin Hui but he was proud of his daughter. Shin Hui could study likelihood men and she wanted that women could also learn like men, so she requested her father to make a community to support women. As her request, her father made a community and that helped women to have their rights.

Rumours said that Korea's women had their rights only for Shin Hui and her father Shin Haoji Im.

Kim Hwang Shin: Isn't a fictional story?

Mr. Young: People can't tell if this a real or fictional story. This story died hundred years ago but it's still alive and they also have proof, its the Daegu's northeast village ' Jug Eun Maeul '.

Kim Namjoon: Why this story is so famous there?

Park Jimin: Because the immortal guy lived there so as Shin Hui In too, the area of ​​the village is twice the area of present Korea. Am I right?

Everyone looked at him as he said that, Mr. Young was surprised as he was about to say this,
Mr. Young: How do you know about this?

Park Jimin: I already know the story, I remembered it when I was.......... half.... of my age, probably!
( He said that as he was confused when he remembered the story ).

He then walked away finishing his breakfast. Everyone was a bit confused as Park Jimin said half of his age.

Scene comes to y/n -

Y/n woke up late that morning, she was anxious as she saw it was already 10 PM but she realised it was Friday. She was wondering how she fell asleep that fast when she was scared. She could remember a scene of yesterday night, someone said ' I found you! ' but, she was not sure if she heard it right or it was a dream.

She doesn't think too much and Started to make breakfast. She was eating ramen while watching TV, but Suddenly the electricity was gone as she heard something fell from her room. She went to her room to check what fell from the room, she looked up and saw a shining lightning strike was coming towards her. She tried to run but the lightning strike entered her body, she couldn't hold herself and lied into the floor.

She was having visions that was too blurry but she could see a boy through the blurriness.

Her soul was about to left her body but before it could happen she whispered his name again and again,
' Yoongi - Yoongi - Yoongi '

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