𝙐𝙣𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨...

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Lucy steps out of the shower first, grabbing a towel off of the hooks that are hung on the wall and wrapping it around herself just above her breasts.

Tim steps out just after her, grabbing a towel as well and putting it around his waist.

Lucy grabs her back from the floor and lifts it onto the bathroom counter. She rummages through and pulls out a pair of black leggings, a white tank top, and a forest green cardigan with dark brown buttons~ along with her undergarments.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get changed." Tim states.

"Okay I'll get changed in here." Lucy responds before Tim walks out closing the door behind him. She pulls the towel off and uses it to damp dry her hair.

Lucy gets changed and brushes her hair, it still being wet. After she finishes she puts everything back into her bag, zipping it up and exiting the bathroom after hanging the towel back up. Once she walks out she instantly smells the smell of french toast.

"Hm~ that smells so good." She drops her shoulders as she breaths in more of that awesome smell, she can almost taste it.

"You want one or two?" Tim offers with a smile.


Tim looks at her and raises an eyebrow, "Three it is." He looks back to the pan on the stove and continues to flip the bread.

Lucy brings herself to him, pulling herself onto the counter.

"Tim... I think— I think we should talk about~" Lucy hesitates.

"Last night."

"Yeah. I mean it was absolutely amazing but... you're my~ Tim you're my training officer. It would be way different if we weren't in the same chain of command but... I don't know." Lucy finishes with a sigh.

As Lucy opens her mother to speak she is instantly interrupted by her phone going off.

Lucy hops of the counter and walks to where her phone is. She picks up the phone with a drowsed, "Hey mom..." As she walks back to the kitchen.

Lucy takes her spot back beside Tim, only this time leaning against the counter and not on it.

"Your what? No, mom~ I'm not even home."

"Well where are you?" Lucy is continuously stammering her words as her mom constantly interrupts her.

Tim can tell she's getting more and more overwhelmed by the second but he doesn't know if he should intervene as he doesn't wanna step over the line to far.

"You didn't even visit me in the hospital when I was rescued! You or dad and you expect me to just open the door for you? To what, crash on my couch or take Jackson's bed for two days because you guys want to get a divorce over every single little inconvenience? I can't believe you!"

Lucy doesn't even give her mom a millisecond before hanging up. Her hand drops to her side after placing her phone onto the counter, her other hand covering her forehead.

She wants to cry, he can see it. Tim turns off the stovetop before placing the last few slices of french toast onto the plate placed beside him. "Hey, you okay?" He turns to her, taking less than 3 steps.

"No." Her words come out sobbed. She's broken~ and her mom clearly isn't helping. Tim isn't sure what exactly they were talking about, but it's clear most part of it was about Lucy's abduction.

Tim hugs her tight. She shakily sighs into his chest before sucking in a breath, holding it without realizing. The whole 2 months have been a roller coaster of emotions and feelings for the both of them.

"Wanna talk about it?" Tim speaks as they slowly as his hands slide down her arms and into her hands.

Lucy takes in a long breath. "My mom is outside my apartment, well was anyway. She wants to crash, her and my dad are getting a divorce."


"Yeah, again. Like she didn't even come see me in the hospital and then she just shows up like nothing happened."

"How often does this occur?"

Lucy goes to speak and then her phone rings, interrupting her yet again. She lets out a frustrated grunt before picking up her phone. "Oh, it's Jacks."
She answers the phone as she tucks hair behind her ear.

"Hey Jackson, what's up"

"Hey Luce, Uhm~ your mom called me..."

Lucy's jaw drops as her eyebrows nit together. Tim lets out a deep breath showing, 'Damnnnn...' before filling 2 more plates with slices of their breakfast.


"Yeah, sorry~ she called me too. Whatever you told her, tell her no okay!" Lucy exaggerates her 'No'.

"Oh- uh. Okay. Uhm, oh! How are you? By the way."

"I'm doing better, but I'm gonna let you go okay, I'm about to eat breakfast." As they exchange their goodbyes Tim prepares 2 plates for the each of them.

As Lucy watches him walk to the fridge, the utensil drawer, and back, all she can think about is how fast their dynamic changed. But god damn this man is fine.

Though if this relationship does go much further she knows what complications will face them along the way. And Tim is also aware, that she knows, the only question is how can they work through it?


As Lucy sticks the fork into the cut peace of toast and into her mouth Tim can't help but take occasional glances to her. 'God she's beautiful.'

As Tim goes to take the last bite off his plate he then gets a phone call. Lucy looks up to him leaning back against the chair while retrieving his phone.

The screen lit up with the contact name,

'Sarge Grey.'

"It's Grey." Tim adds before answering, meanwhile Lucy looks back down, continuing to eat.

"You guys need to get down here asap." Wade's voice is almost shaken, the Sergeant Grey scared? Never...

"What's going on?" Tim's face slightly drops as he hears the state of his voice, causing Lucy's head to whip back up in his direction.

As they speak she can't quite make out what's on the other line. But one word she can hear~


Things will get betterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora