The Other Side

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 Around 2 minutes after this they reached land, and to Tig's astonishment the twins had drawn out their path on his maps. Tig didn't seem to be very visibly mad but he was very frantically looking for new maps while everyone else was getting off the boat.

"TIg, c'mon, we're leaving for the tavern right now," Irov called. Tig sadly scurried away to the group, without new maps, as they walked along the beach looking for a path in the forest.

The path that they found was very rocky and not very easy to get through. Tig tripped over almost all of the out of place rocks but pretty soon Malachi just decided that there had to be a better way to walk this path without everyone tripping. So he led everyone slightly off the path but still right next to it and insight so they didn't get lost.

But after nearly 4 hours of following this path, and 20 stops to rest, the group finally made it to the tavern where they saw an abundance of astray tables outside the tavern with a group of what Iris suspected were bounty hunters. 

The Five Kingdoms (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang