Drinks and Dances

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"Well hello my dear, seems like you managed to get yourself untangled from the spider web." Alastor welcomed you as he felt your arms wrap around him.

"Oh, just barely." You giggled. "So tell me what does the great and terrifying Radio Demon look for in his victims?"

"Ha ha, well I consider myself killer with some class so I either go for a challenge, the deserving, or those that are in my way." Alastor explained. He didn't have a specific vendetta or victim type like you did, but it didn't mean he killed just because. It is part of the reason he felt so insulted a the nefarious insinuations from the group when you first came around.

"Well with that suit and handsome face any murder is classy." You point out trailing a finger down the front of his jacket.

"Hmmm, and they call me a charmer." Alastor gave you a little elbow shove making you giggle. You could hear an "Ugh" from Vaggie from behind you. She's the one person you haven't managed to find a common ground with. Heck, even Nifty who was mostly indifferent to women due to being into "Bad Bois" has gotten to bringing you roaches she dressed up using lint and leaves as presents. It was a little gross - but the gestures have been appreciated.

Regardless the group finally reached the destination "Kazzy's Jazz Bar" which looked like an upscale version of a night club, featuring smooth jazz and classics, and a dark wood ambiance. It definitely seemed like something Alastor could have frequented in the past. You found yourself wondering why he hasn't visited this place in a while and why he suddenly agreed to bring you all here. All of you made your way to the bar, with Angel Dust and Husker loosing no time at all in ordering the first round of drinks.

"Oh no sugar tits Husker may have given you a freebie on he way here, but you still owe me a drink" Angel Dust said, pushing a glass of whiskey towards you. You sighed with a smile, he may be a bit of a mess but he was definitely sweet.

"Oh my gosh this place is so pretty Alastor, how come you never mentioned it before?" Charlie ran squealing excitedly.

"Caused to many stains on my suit, the frequent visits to he tailor got annoying." Oh, now it made sense. Seems like upscale places are in no shortage of scum that Alastor took upon himself to put in their rightful place, and your hunt comment was more on point that you thought.

"Well no stains today." Charlie looked at him with a serious expression.

"I made no such promises." Alastor smiled wickedly. "But rest assured I will not involve anyone from the hotel who doesn't involve themselves, if an incident does occur." Charlie seems to have understood that this as good as she was gonna get. You sipped your drink with an amused smirk, you felt a little bad for Charlie. She was way to sweet of a soul to deal with someone like Alastor.

You were jerked out of your thoughts by Angel Dust who pulled you towards a set of fancy couches in the corner. Alastor watching with a side glance and an amused smile before joining with the rest of the group, giving you the distinctive impression that he was biding his time for something. You all sat and enjoyed the atmosphere, and expensive drinks. It didn't feel much different than hanging out  a the hotel really, until Alastor who has remained mostly quiet standing by the table placed an empty glass on it. "I have given you the first drink, but the first dance is mine." He took your hand in his own as a slow live piano filled the room and and pulled you up off the couch, leading you to he dance floor which was filled with swaying couples.  

"It's not the pale moon that excites me
That thrills and delights me, oh no
It's just the nearness of you"

Alastor pulled you in, taking the lead on the dance. His eyes shone a bright wine red as he watched your every move. You put a hand on his shoulder, as he gently placed a hand on your waist.

"It's just the nearness of you
It isn't your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation, oh no
It's just the nearness of you"

He bent his head down to touch his nose to your forehead, before twirling you around and picking you up briefly, making you giggle with delight. Although you were not much of a dancer, you found yourself in tune with Alastor. Both of your moves syncing together perfectly as you wove through the crowd together.

"When you're in my arms and I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams come true
I need no soft lights to enchant me"

This time after a soft turn, Alastor turned you around and tugged on your hips to pull your back close to him, burying his face in the crook of your neck, making you breathe in sharply as you felt his warm breath and soft lips.

"If you'll only grant me the right
To hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night the nearness of you"

You felt Alastor move his arms to hug you around your waist, his breath relaxing into a steady rhythm as you swayed together, completely forgetting the surrounding visitors. Many of whom have withdrawn in fear after recognizing the Radio Demon himself, and yet couldn't help but watch in confusion from the sidelines. The group watched the two of you as well, Angel with a soft dreamy expression while Husk was smirking.

As the song continued in its mellow melody, Vaggie and Charlie also joined you on the dance floor, and Sir Pentious who was just twirling around with one of of his egg friends. After the first dance, Charlie took a turn with you on a playful number, making both you laugh like mad at her silly dance moves. Angel stayed out of it all, and sat watching on the couch sipping on drinks. But Husk was unable to pass up another opportunity to mess with Alastor and stole you away directly from Charlie for a short dance. Alastor watched the whole thing with an oddly relaxed expression, standing next to Angel, more focused on you and your smile more than anything.

As the night wound down you found yourself by Alastors side again, with one of his arms wrapped around, hand on your hip, and the other on his microphone staff. It was getting late, and you all headed out with a lot of merry chatter as you went along. This time, Alastor and you were bringing up the rear, following the rest of the overexcited group at a short distance. About half way back to the hotel as you walked past what was the closest semblance of a park in Hell, your ears perked up sharply as you heard a whimper followed voice you will never forget coming from a near by alleyway.

"Haha you stupid mutt, we will mount your head on the wall and leave the rest of you to rot!"

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