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The date was set for a week and few days later, as to allow Alastor to recover physically. But it also did allow you to have sometime to prepare for the ceremony. Since Lucifer said fixing the bond is a lot like what marriage was supposed to be, this whole thing got treated like a wedding. Angel Dust insisted on helping you pick out a white dress that made you feel like a fairy princess, and he obviously became one of your bridesmaids. Husker was your best man, which made him very honored. Alastor had a much harder time figuring out his side. You had suggested he asked Rosie to be his best woman, but a couple of days of indecision he surprised everyone by asking Lucifer to be his best man.

"I thought you didn't like him?" You asked in shock.

"The shorty grew on me." Alastor waved his hand at you.  "Also don't tell Charlie but while you and Angel Dust were out dress shopping he recruited Husk and dragged me out for drinks. It... wasn't terrible." You laughed knowing that he clearly had a good time then, no matter how non-chalant he may be trying to dress it up as. He did take your advice and make Rosie one of his bridesmaids though.

You had Nifty and Rosie's help in setting up a beautiful venue right outside the hotel. By some miracle, Rosie managed to bring entire rows of rose bushes to line the aisle with and Nifty for all her antics did a spectacular job of decorating everything to both your and Alastor's liking. Meanwhile, Charlie got some lessons from her dad as to how to do everything. It was an easy enough procedure it seems, but Charlie took it very seriously.

The day of you found yourself both nervous and excited. Angel again spent hours fussing over your hair and makeup but this time you could hardly complain. When it was finally time, you walked out to meet Husker just out of view of the aisle. "Pheeewwww. You look like a work of art." Husker whistled, offering you his arm to walk you down the aisle.

"Angel really outdid himself this time." You giggled, you really did feel beautiful.

"Awh, please toots, you're an easy canvas." Angel laughed, taking his spot behind you and Husker.

With one last moment of silence, you stepped out behind the wall of roses and onto the aisle, your eyes immidialaty falling on Alastor. He was wearing an incredible black tailcoat with red accents and gold adornments on his shoulders and front - no doubt Lucifer's touch. He even had jewelry on his horns which was not something you were expecting but it looked very regal on him.

*** Alastor's POV ***

I stood at the altar in trepidation. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, and it was definitely a little strange, there was a reason I preferred radio. My head was spinning at my own position, and the impeding ceremony. So much had happened, and I was not the same man. I felt the least in control than I had in decades, and yet I would not give up what I gained to have so much as a crumb of it back. Does that make me insane? Maybe. But here I was, anxiously awaiting my bride.

The moment Y/n stepped around the corner, the rest of he people here melted away. She looked incredible, like a fairy goddess out of myth. But all of that paled in comaparasent to her eyes and smile as she approached me. I found my self whipping a tear as she climbed up the stairs, having to give Charlie a brief smile as she reached out to give my arm a quick squeeze of reassurance.

I barely heard Charlie talking though all the formalities, unable to so much as pull my gaze away from Y/n, who looked so incredibly happy. And the most mind boggling part to me, was that I was the reason for that happiness.

"Alastor? Your vows?" Charlie prompted, startling me out of my daze.

"I, Alastor, vow to be your heaven until stars fall and eternity ends. I vow to do everything in my power to be your happiness, to cherish your smile and to aid you when you frown. I vow to  fight for you, for us."

Alastor X reader: SoulboundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang