Day 1: Helpless // Licorice Cookie

25 1 2

TW: Blood, physical abuse

Enjoy some childhood Parfaedia Licorice Cookie angst 


His head smashed against the wall, causing strawberry jam to seep out of his head. He couldn't feel a thing; only the intense pounding from the major headache he had. 

This was the mere reason he loathed coming to Parfaedia every day: Popping Ice Cream Cookie.

Popping Ice Cream Cookie stepped up to the beat-up Licorice Cookie, and kicked him once again, causing him to whimper in pain, but nothing else.

A crude smile spread across Popping Ice Cream Cookie's mouth. "I can't believe you, look at yourself. You're too pathetic to be able to do anything, let alone magic."

"You will never be a wizard."

Tears stung Licorice Cookie's eyes. He wanted to say something, anything, but nothing would come out of his mouth. 

He silently wished Coconut Cookie was there for him.

She was always giving him the confidence to speak up and defend himself. But obviously, she had to be absent on the worst day possible, so he was just left there, all alone and defenseless.

He managed to barely stand up, clutching his bleeding arm, and mumble out, "Leave... me... *sniff* ...alone..."

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it if I don't? Are you gonna call out for your precious Coconut Cookie?" he said in a cruel mocking tone. "Without her, you're basically useless."

That did it. The tears started to spill out of Licorice Cookie's eyes, no matter how hard he tried to contain them. "Leave her... out of this...! Just leave me alone...!"

That was the last thing he burst out before half sprinting, half limping off into no specific direction, as long as it was away from Popping Ice Cream Cookie. 

When he finally felt like he was far enough, he just completely broke down and started sobbing his eyes out, until he couldn't breathe. 

This went on for a whole hour, and he managed to calm down only the slightest bit. He mustered up the courage to stand up, and he started silently trudging what he called home, feeling as empty as ever.

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