Day 17: Hostage Situation // Frost

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TW: Blood, needle, self-hate

My precious babyy-


Frost lay on the cold ground, chained up like usual. He hated being a mere experiment, and just that. He didn't dare move an inch, because he knew doing so would cause him even more pain than what he was already experiencing. 

He didn't want to seem weak, but was failing.

When he heard the door to the lab open, his tail wagged the slightest bit, causing him to flinch and a few tears to roll down his face. He looked up at the people who would come and probably experiment on him some more, but the reason his tail wagged was because he still had the slightest hope that they would release him or do whatever they do to stop torturing him.

His face quickly changed from unamused but slight hope to pure terror. 

His ears fell flat and his pupils narrowed as he started to back up whimpering in fear, ignoring the searing pain surging through every muscle of his body.

They were holding a needle.

And Frost was deathly afraid of shots.

He tried to smile kindly at the poor wolf. "Don't worry, it's just a small pinch. It's to examine your blood and discover all the mysteries your body holds."

Frost backed up into a wall and completely lost it. He started screaming and crying and thrashing around when the needle tried to get near him.

After a few more minutes, Frost finally gave in and was sobbing uncontrollably. He no longer became aware of what was going on around him, or cared either. He just wanted to leave and live a normal life. 

But of course, he couldn't do that. He would just get laughed at, because he was a complete freak. Others would laugh at him, and merely thinking about that was causing his overstimulation to get worse, and he couldn't even breathe properly. He looked at his body, covered in scars and dripping with blood.

He saw himself as worthless.

He was just being held hostage for research.

His life didn't matter to anyone else.


Ch1ff0nTheK1tsun3, hehe team angst

Don't worry, this was before he escaped the lab and met Midori and Regan- 

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