Day 9: Bees // Caramel Arrow Cookie

15 1 10

TW: Panic Attack

She is canonically afraid of bees, so I decided, 'Why not do it with her?"


Jelly Bees. Everywhere.

That was the first thing she saw when she stepped out to fight.

She didn't even understand why they scared her so much, but they just did. There were never any jelly bees in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, maybe that's why she loathed them. 

It was a shock to see. Caramel Arrow Cookie, one of the best watchers of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, was paralyzed when she saw the bees. 

She felt like time stopped. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't know why she was reacting like this, but she couldn't control her body as she started hyperventilating. 

Affogato Cookie knew what he was doing, and smiled connivingly at the fact that his plan was working. "What's wrong? Afraid of something?" he mocked. "They're just jelly bees, they won't hurt you..." This was obviously fake.

Caramel Arrow Cookie gasped as one buzzed past her, and took a step back. One landed on her arm, and it took every ounce of her body to not scream at the top of her lungs. She tensed up and wanted to yell at Affogato Cookie when she could hear him laughing at her. "That deceitful snake..." she muttered under her breath. 

Her breath caught in her throat when the jelly bee started crawling on her arm.

Just one more thing to set her off would cause her to have a full-on panic attack.

Unfortunately, that moment came.

Affogato Cookie chuckled at something, confusing Caramel Arrow Cookie. "I wouldn't look up if I were you..." 

Like how anyone would react, she looked up.

And then she saw...and felt it.

There was a bee on her head. That caused her to snap in half.

Panicking, she started screaming and thrashing around, causing Affogato Cookie to start cackling cruelly. She ran away, unable to think properly. 

Crunchy Chip Cookie was witnessing all of this. He was torn apart with the options of helping Caramel Arrow Cookie, or fighting Affogato Cookie. Ugh, shoot! Now what do I do? Hmm... I'll try to stop Affogato Cookie first, then I'll help Caramel Arrow Cookie. I hope she's fine, he thought to himself. He walked up to Affogato Cookie with a proud look on his face. "Hah! How else are you gonna fight me with that lousy army of jelly bees?! They're nothing against my army!! Cream wolves, attack!!"

Crunchy Chip Cookie seemed to be having a blast, but Caramel Arrow Cookie seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. She retreated back into the castle, hyperventilating.

She felt like such a coward, panicking at the mere site of a few bees.

She felt pathetic.

She was completely unsure of what the rest of the warriors would say, and dreaded the idea of going back out. So she stayed behind the walls, shame looming over her head for what felt like an eternity...


For a prompt about bees, I don't think I did that bad lol

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