Slow Enough

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You scrambled to stand, and he instantly grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap, each thigh going either side of his hips. You grabbed his neck to kiss him, but he stopped you by putting his metal hand on your jaw, his thumb pressing against your bottom lip.

"Not so fast, doll." He whispered, his eyes flicking down to your lips pouting around his thumb.

"Please..." You whimpered. "James, I need...."

"Not so fast."

You stared at him, waiting with hitched breath for whatever he was going to do next, torn between wanting to rip his shirt off and wanting to let him go as slowly as he wants.

He grabbed your hips suddenly, and flipped you onto your back, the movement fast but gentle. He climbed over you, and dipped his head to kiss lightly down your neck, your chest, while you just tried to focus on breathing. It felt like your body was shaking from trying to stop yourself from interrupting the way his tongue ran over your collarbone.

"You are allowed to touch me you know." He said, the smirk evident in his voice somehow, as he leant on his metal elbow beside your head.

"I just...You said you don't want fast." You breathed, making him look up at you.

"And touching me would make it fast?" He laughed, moving back so that his face was level with yours. "You can't control yourself that much?"

You shook your head. Now that you and him had (mostly) talked, were on the same page, half naked and in a bed again? All you wanted to do was grab him, pin him down and ride him until morning.

The way he was looking at you now wasn't helping to quell that desire.

His right hand cradled your face as he kissed you deeply, drawing a whimper from somewhere deep in your stomach. Another kiss, and your back was arching off the bed. Another and your hand went to his forearm, gripping it tight.

"Stop putting up your defences Luka." He teased, when he took a breath. "Just let yourself enjoy it." A kiss to your neck, then his tongue on your skin, and finally a nip of his teeth. Then his hips rocked against you.

"Fuck!" You hissed, and all control went out of the window.

Grabbing his face, you smashed your lips to his, and he let you roll you both over, until you were on top. Your hands were grabbing his shirt, trying to pull it up, feeling him smile against your mouth. He sat up, helping you rid him of his shirt and chucking it to the floor, his hand immediately grabbing your neck and reconnecting your mouths. It was slow, but purposeful, and it had worked to quell some of the frenzy you felt in your stomach. Not much, but enough to feel the way his fingertips started sliding up your waist, taking your Tshirt with you, the cold air of the bunker dancing over your bare skin.

Once your Tshirt reached your underarms, you pulled back the tiniest amount to tug the material over your head, but stopped before you kissed him again. He was staring up at you, his hands anchored on your waist, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. It was hypnotising, the way he was looking at you, as though you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen. It made you completely still, until suddenly one of his hands moved round your waist, and up your back.

"You are captivating." He whispered, and for a second you wondered if he was saying it more to himself. You shook the thought out of your head when his hand reached the back of your head and brought you down to his lips.

You kissed him deeply. Pressed your body against his. His arms wrapped around you, your hips starting to rock together until he lifted you a little, until you felt his cock slide over your core. Shakily breathing out, you rolled your hips until you felt him start to slide in.

part time soulmates, full time problemWhere stories live. Discover now