chapter twenty one: Deal?

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Five star hotel....

Mr Davis sat lazily across the table from Mr Sterling. They stared at each other with a bottle of wine in their hands.

"It's very nice to finally meet you again Mr Davis. My grandson really love your family I must say." Mr Sterling smiled gently.

"It's my pleasure to meet you Mr Sterling. I'm so sorry we have to meet like this." Mr Davis awkwardly smiled.

"No it's good. I'm really sorry for what happened to your family. I saw the news and it's really sad. How have you and your family been coping with it?." Mr Sterling asked swiftly.

"Honestly, it's hard. Really hard. My properties, company and family's bank account are with the government. I know rape is a big offence in this country. But my son wasn't raped. I know I failed as a father not to protect my son. But why's it that Mr Alex and his son gets away with it?. They should've been the one getting this harsh treatment. I and my family are all innocent of the media accusations. Evan wasn't rape. He was only assaulted. Not raped!. He was never raped!." Mr Davis explained with overwhelming emotions.

"Are you sure Evan wasn't raped?. I mean it's all over the news about Evan's rape of three years ago. You and your wife fought against that case together right?. You don't have to lie to me. We're business partners and more. You can tell me what really happened and I'll be happy to help." Mr Sterling smiled warmly.

"Sigh.... Evan's rape case died two years ago. I wasn't expecting it to flame up again after three years. The government knew how much I fought to keep this case hidden. Yet he did this to me. Evan was kidnapped and raped during a night birthday party my daughter's friend hosted. It was a lot to take. I couldn't bear to see my son hurt after the rape incident. This is too much on Evan. I just want him to live a better life. I- just want the best for my son." Mr Davis broke down in tears.

"I understand why you set up this appointment with me Mr Davis. The thing is I can help you. But on one condition." Mr Sterling informed.

"One condition..... Which is?." Mr Davis asked impatiently.

"Since Evan's been raped twice, I suggest there's still a possibility of him becoming gay someday. Here's my proposal. I'll help you sort out everything happening to you right now and all you have to do, is to sign up a contracted marriage between Evan and my two grandsons. But Evan will have to get married to one of them whom he truly loves after three years." Mr Sterling proposed.

"Are you promising to help me find my missing daughter, get my company and property back in exchange for a marriage contract between our sons?" Mr Davis asked.

"Yes Mr Davis. I observed my two grandsons have eyes for Evan. If I help you find your daughter, clear out this case and return your property, wealth and company, Evan must... marry one among my two grandsons. I'll give him three years to get himself prepared, and to choose one among my two grandsons. Do we have a deal?." Mr smith smiled.

Mr Davis thought for a while. If he say no, he'll lose everything he worked hard for during all this twenty years. And if he accept, how can he explain this situation to his family?. Especially Evan who've gone through hell. He can't possible force Evan to get married to one of the Sterling's grandson if he refuses to.

"(Clear throat). You know if we don't agree on this and strict this deal, we won't meet again. Choose wisely. Until then Mr Davis. Here's my card..." Mr Sterling placed a black card on the fancy crystal table and stood up to leave. "I'm giving you three days. Whatever you decide on, call me and keep me updated. Also, don't let anyone know about what we just discussed." Mr Sterling said I left with his numerous bodyguards.

Mr Davis nodded to himself, took the black card and left the hotel.


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