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I walked in and collapsed on the couch "what happened?" Mom sighed "I did something stupid." I sighed "knew it." He said as she sat down next to me "what did you do? Tell me" she said "I saw this- this weird glowing thing, I stupidly touched it and then whenever I used my powers I'd randomly teleport to places! Like I was on a planet one second then I was back with Spiderman, then I was in a spaceship, then i was in a random house then i was at another spaceship and the whole time I've got people trying to kill me!" I said as my speech got quicker with every word "you sound delusional" she said to me "yeah I realized that halfway through talking, and that's what you said when I first told you about my powers remember?" I said to her "mhm, I remember" she smiled. "But the weird thing is, it's that it would happen randomly! Like If I just-" then I flew forgetting I'd teleport. Suddenly I was teleported into the sky!

"HOLEY SHIT!" I yelled in panic as I fell, then I heard screaming next to me, I turned to see this girl who looked like she was around my age with long dark hair, I started to fly again and I grabbed her "you okay!?!" I yelled "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SUPER MARVEL! You are my second favourite superhero! First is Captain Marvel, no contest! but you are equally great and my name's Kamala-" "hey let's focus on not dying for now okay Kamala?" I said to her "yep! Good call! Oh my god she knows my name!" she grinned, suddenly I was teleported away and I was back in my living room. "like that" I said with a shaky thumbs up "who was just in my living room!?!" Mom just yelled "wait. Someone was in here?" I asked "mhm, once you left they just appeared in your position" she said "holey shit what's happening with my powers!?!" I mumbled "ey! Idioma!" Mom yelled "sorry" I replied quickly.

It soon hit me that the girl was probably still falling! "Mom! I gotta go!" I yelled as I grabbed my bag and then I made a random book float! However when I switched I was back on the ground this time with Captain Marvel! "Oh my God. You're captain Marvel!" I grinned "oh it's cool it's Carol" Nick Fury said "God Damn it! I need to get back up there!" She yelled in annoyance "wait, let me come! I think whatever this is it has something to do with our powers. And If I'm correct the people we've been switching with have a connection so let me come with you" I said to her "sure whatever, you can fly right?" She asked "yep! Lead the way!" I said as we began to fly.

"Sooooo I'm Y/N, also known as Super Marvel, I know not the most creative thing ever, but I kinda had to think of it on the fly" I said awkwardly as we flew "okay, I'm Captain Marvel and we need to hurry up" she said as we continued flying, eventually we got where we needed to be only to see Kamala and this other person about to be killed! We flew over and Captain Marvel blocked it! "You." The woman who tried to kill them said. Suddenly Kamala gasped excitedly "Hold that thought." Captain Marvel said as she ran in and began fighting! Four people began trying to take her down! I used my powers to make one fly but then we swapped places "I forgot about that!" I yelled as I dodged hits! Suddenly we all swapped, I swapped with the other girl who I think was called Monica, we all blasted them away easily though. Suddenly the girl who tried to kill Monica and Kamala jumped from the ship! "And she is?" I asked "Dar-Benn" Captain Marvel said to me "we need to get that band off of her!" Monica said to us "it looked like mine!" Kamala said to us, me, Monica and Captain Marvel ran over the edge and jumped! The. Captain Marvel realized that she couldn't fly and flew back up.

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