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Chapter 2: The Hunt Begins

As the city slept, cloaked in the veil of night, the hooded figure's plan unfurled like a spider's web, intricate and deadly. From the depths of the shadows emerged a figure clad in armor, his presence exuding an aura of menace and power. This was Larchmont the Terrible, second in command to the hooded figure, his loyalty unwavering, his prowess unmatched.

With a silent command, Larchmont set out into the darkness, his steps purposeful as he prowled the streets in search of his quarry. His mission was clear: to track down the enigmatic Jedi known as Obi-Wan Kenobi and bring him to heel, by whatever means necessary.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the city, Hawkeye found himself locked in a deadly dance with the hooded figure. Arrows flew like lightning, deftly aimed and deadly accurate, yet the hooded figure moved with uncanny agility, effortlessly dodging each strike.

"Who are you?" Hawkeye demanded, his voice ringing out above the din of battle. "What do you want?"

The hooded figure's response was a smirk, a glint of amusement dancing in their eyes. "All in due time, my dear Hawkeye. For now, let us revel in the thrill of combat."

Their words sparked a fire within Hawkeye's heart, igniting a determination to uncover the truth. With renewed vigor, he launched himself into the fray, arrows flying with relentless fury.

But even as Hawkeye fought with all his might, Larchmont the Terrible closed in on his elusive prey. Through the tangled web of alleyways and backstreets, he tracked the faint echo of Obi-Wan's presence, a beacon in the darkness drawing him ever closer.

And so, as the clash of steel and the twang of bowstrings echoed through the night, the stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions. For in the heart of the city, where light and shadow collided, destiny awaited its champions, ready to write the next chapter in the saga of Obi-Wan's multiversal journey.

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