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Chapter 38: Krang's Ultimatum

As the Shredder stood triumphant over the fallen body of The Tick, a flicker of satisfaction crossed his face. But his moment of victory was short-lived, for even as he reveled in his conquest, a holographic projection flickered to life before him.

It was Krang, the sinister brain-like alien warlord, his image shimmering with malevolent intent. The Shredder's expression hardened as he regarded his master, knowing that Krang's presence could only mean trouble.

"Shredder," Krang's voice echoed through the lair, cold and calculating. "I trust that you have not forgotten our arrangement."

The Shredder clenched his fists, his jaw tightening with barely concealed anger. "Of course not, Krang," he replied, his voice low and seething. "But I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. The city is under attack, and I must deal with these meddlesome heroes once and for all."

Krang's image flickered with impatience, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "I care not for your petty squabbles with these so-called heroes," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "Our alliance was forged with a singular purpose—to seize control of the multiverse remote and bend reality to our will. Do not forget where your loyalties lie, Shredder."

The Shredder's grip tightened on his blades, his resolve hardening as he faced his master's wrath. "I have not forgotten, Krang," he growled, his voice laced with defiance. "But I will not be dictated to by you or anyone else. I will deal with the heroes in my own time, and then, and only then, will I fulfill our bargain."

Krang's image flickered with rage, his eyes blazing with fury. "You dare to defy me, Shredder?" he thundered, his voice reverberating through the lair like a thunderclap. "You will regret this, mark my words. If you fail to deliver the multiverse remote to me, there will be consequences—dire consequences."

With that ominous warning, Krang's holographic projection winked out of existence, leaving the Shredder alone once more with his thoughts. As he pondered his next move, a sense of unease settled over him, for he knew that the wrath of Krang was not to be taken lightly. But even as he braced himself for the inevitable showdown to come, he remained determined to seize control of the multiverse remote and bend reality to his will, no matter the cost.

obiwans multiversal journey Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora