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Chapter 40: Shadows in the Night

As the pizza day festivities came to an end and the guests bid their farewells, April O'Neil found herself alone in her apartment, unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. Unbeknownst to her, Deathstroke, the deadly assassin, had been watching from afar, his eyes narrowed with cold determination.

Silent as a wraith, Deathstroke slipped through the darkness, his movements fluid and precise as he closed in on his unsuspecting prey. April went about her evening routine, unaware of the danger that stalked her every move.

With a predatory gleam in his eye, Deathstroke prepared to strike, his mind calculating every possible angle of attack. He had been hired to eliminate April O'Neil, and he intended to fulfill his contract with ruthless efficiency.

As April moved about her apartment, Deathstroke watched and waited, biding his time for the perfect moment to strike. He knew that patience was key, and he was willing to wait as long as it took to ensure the success of his mission.

But just as Deathstroke prepared to make his move, a sudden noise from outside caught his attention—a disturbance in the shadows that hinted at the presence of another intruder. With a curse under his breath, Deathstroke vanished into the darkness, his prey slipping through his fingers for the time being.

Meanwhile, April remained blissfully unaware of the danger that had come so close to claiming her life. Little did she know that Deathstroke's presence in her apartment was only the beginning of a deadly game of cat and mouse that would test her strength and resilience like never before.

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