Unlikely Pair on Valentine's Day

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Third Person POV

Valentine's Day was a holiday that, surprised the paladins, that was celebrated all over the Universe. It was a universal holiday that many loved, or in some cases loathed, and celebrated. Many different planets are decorated for the holiday, even the Garla decorate!

For Voltron they decided to land on a planet to celebrate the holiday together. Or more like, in pairs.

"So we will be celebrating in pairs! Coran has paired everyone up so we could all celebrate with a special someone!" Allura beamed. Allura was taking Valentine's Day very seriously. "Yes, the Princess is correct. Since we have an odd number of people I have decided to opt out for this event and celebrate with the mice!" Coran smiled brightly. Pidge snickered, "Poor Coran." "Who are the pairs?" Keith asked. He had a feeling he would be with Lance, which he did not want. He couldn't stand being paired with Lance all day. Not because he hated him , it was just that Keith was going through a time of confusion...about his feelings. "Yes! Now to tell everyone the pairs!" Coran pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. He unfolded it and read out the names, "Allura and Shiro! Pidge and Hunk! And lastly, Keith and Lance!" Lance and Keith both yelled, "WHAT!?" Coran quickly hid behind Allura. "ALLURA SAVE ME!" Coran cried out. Allura chuckled before facing the two paladins. "I think these pairings are great. Me and Shiro have much in common and can have a splendid day together. Same with Pidge and Hunk. I think it makes sense to have you two paired up." Allura tried to defend Coran. Lance rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry Princess but I don't think you understand. Me and Keith do not get along. What makes you think we could spend Valentine's Day together?" Keith sighed. "Jeez didn't know you hated me that much." "Don't act like you don't." Keith walked away, "Whatever you say Lance." Lance watched as Keith walked away. Pidge walked up behind Lance and jumped up to smack the back of his head. "OW! Pidge!?" "You need to learn how to read Keith." "Read Keith?" Lance was dumbfounded. Shiro walked over to Lance, "Let's talk."






"Listen Lance, why don't you like Keith so much? I know you said it had something to do with a rivalry, but what is really going on?" Shiro asked. The two were walking around the castle before they were scheduled to land. Lance shrugged his shoulders, "I don't necessarily hate the guy but, I can't say I like him either. Or rather I don't think I like him. You see I, well-""Take a deep breath Lance then tell me." Lance nodded and took a deep breath. He felt his mind clear him and all he could picture was-

"I admire Keith, a lot. He is so strong and brave, he cares so much for us but has a hard time showing it. He is a good guy, nice looking even with the mullet. But there's something in my heart that makes me feel uneasy. Whenever he is around my body, my heart does weird things. I feel warm and stiff. I want to impress him but I don't know. I want to prove to him that I am better only to get praise from him. When I wake up or when I am about to drift to sleep the first thing I see is him. Keith. Why? Shiro, can you tell me why?" Lance looked Shiro in the eye. Shiro was trying to scan for anything that could disprove his theory but all he got was facts. Shiro knew what Lance wanted, he wanted Keith. He wanted to be with Keith so bad that he was blind. Shiro rubbed the back of his neck, "You might not like what I am about to say. However what you feel, deep down in your heart is love." "L-Love?" "You want all of Keith's attention on you, correct?' Lance nodded. "You want him to praise you, acknowledge you?" He nodded once more. "You think about him day and night? Once more. "You want to know what it's like to hold him?" Again. "You want to touch him?" Again. "You want to protect him?" Again. "You want to kiss him?" Lance quickly covered his face from embarrassment. His face was flushed red and he felt himself get hit with the realization. Lance McClain was in love, deeply in love with Keith Kogane.

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