Chapter 2

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Once Felipe got home and entered his bedroom, Chiara called him on his phone. "Yes?" Felipe asked. Felipe could hear Chiara's sigh from a mile away before speaking. "I'll be the artist of your game." Chiara said. Felipe muted his microphone and jumped around his room with excitement, yelling "WOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!" again and again to the moment that his roommate knocked on his door and yelled, "Quiet down there you weeb!", before actually replying to Chiara. He cleared his throat and composed himself before unmuting his microphone. "Well, Miss De Luca, looks like we have ourselves a game to finish." He said, but before he could end the phone call, Chiara said something. "Hey! I'm not yet done talking." She said, "I have one condition." Felipe then listened to her condition. "Before I actually start designing for your game, you should program your combat system first." Chiara added. "B- but that would probably be another month! Maybe even two!" Felipe said. "Then I suggest you start learning." Chiara replied before ending the phone call.

Felipe looked at his PC and his clock. The time was 7:00pm. "Tomorrow is Saturday anyways." He said before searching up video AND written guides on how to code a combat system, he also looked at example codes from other developers in a forum as well. Unfortunately, while he was watching videos from the internet, he accidentally fell asleep. Now that it was 9:30am, his alarm clock had been 'beeping' for quite a while before Felipe was able to get up. He stood up and changed his clothes. He promised to himself that he would use his free time this weekend to learn and code the combat system, but he decided that he couldn't do it, at least not alone.

He looked on a website where many freelancers are looking for jobs. He found plenty of freelancers willing to help develop his game, but their prices were too much. As he left his room to go downstairs and prepared to leave his home, he then remembered someone, so he grabbed his phone and dialed their number.

"Hello? Felipe?" A feminine voice asked from the phone. "Are you free today?" Felipe asked. The girl took some time to reply, "Uhm... why?" She asked. "It's a yes or no question." Felipe was quite insisting. "Uhm... sure then, I'm free." The girl replied. "Great, meet me at the diner." Felipe said before ending the call. Before leaving, he brought his laptop with him.

As he entered the diner, he looked around and started to find someone, before a girl with short brown hair raised her right hand. As Felipe sat down, he was scratching his head. "Thank you, Ms. Garcia, for meeting-" "Rosaline. Just call me Rosaline. I'm only a year older than you." Adeline interrupted. "T- Thank you, Rosaline, for meeting with me." Felipe said. As Rosaline sipped from her water, she smiled. "Okay, Felipe. What's this about?" She asked. Felipe then brought out his laptop and started the game. "I'm making a game." Felipe answered. Rosaline didn't even look at the screen, she just said "Okay." and looked outside the window. Felipe sighed and continued to explain. "It's going to make a big splash in the gaming industry." Felipe said but Rosaline was still not looking at the screen. "I heard that before." She said before taking another sip from her glass. "It's not a visual novel." Felipe said. When he said that, Rosaline was quite surprised and looked at the screen, seeing what seemed to be a top down game. "Then what is it?" Rosaline asked. "I'm developing an RPG." Felipe replied as he pressed the up and down key to show that he was able to code movement in the game already. Rosaline scoffed, "Anyone who knows a thing or two about developing games knows how to move their characters." She said as she finished her glass of water. "Give me some slack, I just started this a month ago." Felipe replied, which surprised her as she didn't expect someone whose only game development experience was writing visual novels to be this fast at learning how to code.

"Okay, Mr. VN, what's my role in this?" Rosaline asked. "I just wanted to know if, for someone who just started a month ago, I'm doing okay at coding?" Felipe asked. Rosaline, however, couldn't contain her laughter anymore. "Are you looking for validation? MY validation, Felipe?" She asked as she signals the waitress to pour her glass some more water. "W- what? Where did you get that conclusion?" Felipe was surprised, "I was just asking you, as someone with ample experience with these types of game coding, if I'm on the right track." Felipe said. "Well, for someone with not much experience outside of visual novels, I have to admit that you're quite a fast learner." Rosaline said, which gave Felipe some hope. "But fun RPGs are not walking simulators. You're still missing the combat system and, if you're willing to do it, you're also missing the relationship system." Rosaline added. Felipe then placed his head on the table. "So many things to do." He said. "Welcome to actual game development, Mr. VN." Rosaline said as she sipped from her glass. "Could you stop calling me Mr. VN?" Felipe asked. "Well, unless this RPG of yours succeeds, I am not going to stop calling you that." Rosaline said. Felipe then had another thought on his head.

"How much will I pay for you to be in this project?" Felipe asked. Rosaline stopped and stared at Felipe quite seriously before bursting into laughter again and stopping again. "Wait... you were serious?" Rosaline exclaimed, surprising many people at the diner, "I APOLOGIZE!" she told everyone before they went back to their own business. "Yes, Rosaline. I'm serious." Felipe answered. Rosaline then thought of the offer. "Well, I have my studies to take care of." Rosaline said, "As well as my commitment towards Live, Love, Lie will be affected." She took Felipe by surprise. "Hold on, Live, Love, Lie again?" Felipe asked. "Yes." She answered, "Why?" She asked. "I thought that was an animated series? What's a programmer like you doing there?" Felipe asked. "Well, I'm not only a programmer. I'm also an author." Rosaline answered, "So that is why I am part of the project as the lead writer." She added. "Great. Two of the people I depend on are working on the same project and would likely prioritize it over my game." Felipe told himself. "You could prioritize those two things as long as you have at least an hour to dedicate to the game." Felipe is trying to compromise as Rosaline was the only person he knows of that would possibly help him for free, or at least at a discounted price. Rosaline took out her notebook in which she places important dates and saw that there was practically no major school work. "I guess I could help." Rosaline said. Felipe then stood up and yelled "WOOO-HOOO!!!" once again, although he attracted the attention of just about everyone at the diner, he apologized saying "I'm incredibly sorry, it won't happen again." and everything went back to normal.

After the meeting, Felipe went straight home, leaving Rosaline back. Rosaline sighed at the sight of Felipe leaving once the meeting was over. "Just like that, you left me after our business again." She told herself before walking in the opposite direction.

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