Commitment - 66

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It was dinner time and Jay wanted a drink. It was some kind of mix of tequila, some fruit juice Haeun had in his fridge, and lemon soda.

She tried a sip, "Hmmm...?"

More tequila then. Just as she was tilting the bottle, a warm presence closed in on her. His hands settled onto the edge of the counter on either side of her as Haeun stepped into her space. He didn't say anything, just pressed a few light kisses to her cheek.

"Hey," Jay laughed, half-heartedly turning away as she set the bottle down.

"What? You don't like me?" He was amused, giving her a break.

"I'm trying to focus," she took a small sip, wasn't too impressed. "Mm."

"I'm not distracting."

She got confused, tongue-tied, and stumbled over the name she wanted to say. Jay had to pause a second before she complained, "Haeun."

He noticed. "What were you about to call me?"

The glass clinked as it hit the counter.

She admitted, "Yeong."

Haeun inhaled sharply, then stepped away as he burst out laughing. He was truly entertained.

Confuzzled, Jay picked up her drink again, turning to watch how hilarious he thought her mistake was.

"It's okay," he assured her, smiling as he crowded her against the counter.

"It is?"

"Yeah," he kissed her fully on the lips, so gentle about it. "It's not that serious."

"Are you sure?" She wasn't as unbothered.

"Yes, Jay, I'm sure. Stop," Haeun gently smoothed the little worry wrinkle between her eyebrows. "I was just in here to see what you were doing, I really don't mind it."


"Mhm. Were you ready to eat?"

"Yes, sir."

Sitting next to each other at his dining room table, Haeun commented, "You seem happier with the book."

"I am," she couldn't lie about it.
"I'm ready to have my heart broken, but I'm happy."

Over a year before, Jay had a sinilar mindset. They were laying on a blanket at the park, watching a movie on Haeun's tablet. It was almost over, and Jay was half asleep. She was so comfortable snuggled up and laying on Haeun's chest.

It was midday, but it was late fall, so the temperature was just right, like a blanket. The park was mostly quiet, the ambience of kids playing and adults chatting a distant hum. The movie was slow-paced too, so nothing was keeping her awake.



"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Will I what?" That woke her up. She sat up to look at Haeun.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He repeated himself, sitting up too. "I really like you, and you really like me. I thought I would ask to make us official because we're taking this serious."

Her expression was probably discouraging, but she wasn't uncertain about them. It was just that she was scared.

He picked up on her hesitation, "Or was I reading this wrong?"

"No, you're not. Don't think that," she almost apologized. "I'm just..."

Somewhat understanding of what was going through her mind, he cautiously offered, "Let's give it a try. If you want."

"I do, I do want to," Jay had to be honest. The problem was, she wasn't fully convinced she was worth the effort.

Haeun, the way he had treated her from the beginning, believed so. He looked at her and took care of her like she was everything, like she was all he ever asked for.

"And you? You want to?" She had to be sure.

"Yes," he smiled, eyes full of warmth and affection. "I do. I'm sure."

Saying no wouldn't be fair to him or herself. They were good together. Jay decided to let herself be happy, ready to have her heart broken if that's where it went. He was worth it. She said, "Yes. "

As soon as the word left her mouth, Haeun pulled her into a hug. She hugged him just as tight, hiding her face in his neck.

Being in his arms, someone who just wanted to know her and care for her, was everything. She felt the same, and wanted to cherish him just as much.

He pulled away after a few moments, hands on her waist as he met her eyes. "So you're my girlfriend now?"

"Yes, I am," she couldn't resist smiling as he did.

Then Haeun kissed her. So many times, little, light kisses all around her face as he showered her in affection.

She was full on laughing by the time he decided it was enough.

"I'm so glad," his eyes were sparkling with joy.

"Me too."

More kisses. Haeun even playfully grabbed her face when she tried to turn away.

"Why?" Jay giggled after he pressed a kiss to her lips.

He searched her eyes, looked over every detail of her face and then answered, "Because. You're mine."

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