Flower, Flower - 98

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It had been over a month since the baby was born when Jinx finally took a walk around the whole palace. It was a long road to healing, but she felt fine. Moon-soo was by her side, quiet as she enjoyed the fresh air and sunlight after so long.

They were nearing the back exit of the palace on their second lap when she paused and turned to him.

Moon-soo looked to her expectantly, waiting on whatever she would ask.

"Does he know?" She spoke in Jeon.

Moon-soo nodded, "He does."

"He knows she's a girl?"

"He does. He...," Moon-soo looked away as he thought about how to say it. "He knows."

There was more to it, but Jinx left it alone. She switched back to her native language, "Let's go inside."

The doctor approved of the new princess going outside too and released them both from the nursing room. The princess had her hands full with both Ji-hae and the new baby all on her own, but she didn't complain or ask for help. She needed them to get through the days. She had Moon-soo too, who helped with Ji-hae during the day.

Nights were the longest. The baby would cry, and the princess would have to hurry to tend to her before she could wake Ji-hae. It was worth it when everyone was calm again, and Jinx could hold her baby and admire her for the beautiful little angel she was.

Since she had the children, she had the excuse to not spend meals with Korain anymore. She had Mindy bring the food to her room, if she ate at all. Her appetite had been gone since that day, but she forced herself to eat for the baby's sake. Since the baby didn't need her in that way anymore, food was less than an afterthought. Sleep was the most important thing. It gave her new energy and a break from it all.

It was always Yeong in her dreams, sitting with her in the butterfly garden, or holding her close as she tried to sleep.

"What's on your mind tonight?" He asked quietly in the echo of a memory.

"Them." In the reality that dreamland created, both the little prince and princess were asleep in their respective beds.

He hummed thoughtfully. "Same for me."

"...They're my gifts. I... I'll still have them when you leave. Because you will."

"Not for now." Words Yeong had actually said late one night when she was too anxious to rest. "Now I'm here, so we'll live in the now."



She looked up at him.

"I'm here," he gently squeezed her waist to remind her.

"Right now you are."

A light knock at her door pulled her from her half conscious state. The princess' first instinct was to check both of her babies were asleep before she answered the door. It was Wen and Gun, which could only mean one thing.

"Is it...?" She questioned cautiously.

Wen nodded yes, "Bring her too."

"Her?" Jinx was caught off guard. She started to say, "No, I don't know..."

"It's safe," Wen promised. Just by the look in his eye, she was assured everything would be fine.

So Jinx went back into her room to carefully take the new princess from her cot. She checked Ji-hae was still sleeping then met Wen in the hall.

"Thank you, Gun," she offered him a small smile.

He bowed to accept the thanks.

"Come," Wen lightly put a hand on her back, leading her away from her room. "You can stay longer this time."

"I can??"

"You can," he gave her the softest smile.

Downstairs, Moon-soo was there with a few of Yeong's other men. He smiled brightly when he saw the princess and the baby.

The king's guards were there too, behind the warriors like they had been herded into a corner.

"Thank you," the princess addressed all the warriors before Wen opened the door to the jail.

Yeong was already outside of his cell, tired, but he brightened at the sight of them. He looked like himself, hair shiny and skin back to his honey color. He met the princess halfway and gave her a small kiss in greeting, then looked to the little princess in her arms, "This is her."

"It's her."

He was awestruck, and Jinx watched him fall in love all over again. It only took a moment, and he seemed like his whole world had changed.

"Isn't she beautiful?" She readjusted her hold of the baby.

"She is. I thought she would be. She's perfect," Yeong carefully smoothed the little princess' hair. He adored her, but he was so sad at the same time. "You didn't name her yet. They told me."

"Not yet. I like Brandy."

"Brandy," Yeong repeated quietly.

"Or maybe after a flower."

He looked up then, meeting her eyes.

"What do you think?" Jinx quietly asked, giving the decision to him.

"Can I name her?" His eyes glowed with joy.

"Yes," she grinned. "I wanted to ask."

"Mm. A flower..." Yeong looked to their daughter again.


The baby sighed in her sleep, so peaceful and comfortable.

Yeong wiped his eyes then, catching the tears before they could spill over.

"Take your time," Jinx whispered softly. It had to hurt. It hurt her too, so she couldn't imagine what it was like for him.

He took another moment to study the little princess' face. "Day-Lily."

"That's pretty." She loved it.

"It fits her. You don't have them in your garden, but I seen them before." He nodded to himself. "They're beautiful."


"Yes," he met her gaze and smiled. It was genuine, no trace of anything except joy. "What do you think?"

The princess looked to their baby. It was perfect.

"Day-Lily," Yeong said her name carefully, smoothing her hair.

Jinx adjusted her hold of Day-Lily, about to give her to Yeong when someone knocked on the door.

The door creaked open, and Wen peeked inside. He was truly apologetic when he told them, "I'm sorry, but we have to go."

"1 minute," Yeong let him know, he didn't ask.

"1 minute," Wen agreed, closing the door and giving them privacy again.


She faced him as water pooled in her eyes.

"I love you," he caught it just as the first tear escaped. "I'll see you again soon."

"I- I-," she couldn't say another word without breaking down.

"I know you love me too," Yeong assured her with a smile that showed more in his eyes. "Take care of them."


Then he kissed her sweetly just as the door creaked open.

Wen didn't say anything as he escorted them back to her room, but he knew she needed someone right then. He left the room door open, staying by the princess' side as she set Day-Lily in her cot and made sure both her and Ji-hae were okay. They were just fine, fast asleep without a care in the world.

It finally crashed over her like a wave, and she hid her face in Wen's neck as he hugged her for a long while. He cradled her head with one hand, shushing her gently as she wept from her soul.

"You're not alone," he quietly promised, and he was the only thing keeping all the sorrow from drowning her. "I know it hurts, but you're not alone."

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