The Book - 90 (IP))) (pr))

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Taking a short break from reading, Jay sipped her water and watched Haeun. He was lounging on the other side of her couch with his copy of the book in his hands. They were on opposite sides because Jay had just gotten up to get her a drink and that's where she chose to sit.

When she first moved away, he asked what she was doing. A quick 'going to the kitchen' was enough to placate him, and he went right back to the book. For the past few days, he had been as invested as she was. Jay could see he was almost caught up from the nunber of pages he had left.

"Flower," Haeun didn't look up from reading.


"Why are you all the way over there?"

She shrugged.

Flipping the book closed with his thumb as a placeholder, he finally looked to her, "Can you come lay with me again?"

Jay smiled, then giggled, "Yeah, I was waiting for you to say something."

"Why? Just to see?"

"Yeah," she got comfortable, half laying on top of him and resting her head on his chest. "I think it's cute."

"I am cute, so," he opened his book again, holding it up over her back.

Humming in agreement, she closed her eyes to relax.

"You're taking a nap right now?"

"Just for a little bit."

He lightly kissed her on the head, "Get some rest. I'll be right here, and we're still going out later."

"Thank you, I know," Jay appreciated the reassurance. Then she commented, "I see you almost caught up."

"Almost." Haeun flipped a page, sounding preoccupied, "I need to. It's interesting through your eyes. Ah, her eyes. I never read a book like this."

She hummed in agreement, only half listening since she was already drifting.


"Jay?" Haeun's worried voice pulled her from dreamland.

"Mm," she didn't know what was going on, but something was wrong.

"Jay, wake up, flower. What happened?"

As soon as Jay opened her eyes, tears fell, "What-?"

She half sat up, putting a hand on Haeun's chest to try and orient herself. An unsettling feeling down in her soul made her surroundings seem strange, like nothing was quite right.

It only lasted a full few seconds, but it was long enough for Jay to be thoroughly confused about what could have happened in her sleep.

Haeun didn't press her for answers. He wiped her eyes, even as the tears continued.

"I..." Jay started, then stopped. "It was a dream."

"Just a dream?"

"Nightmare, I don't know," she moved away from him and got up.

"Flower," Haeun started, worried as he followed her to his bedroom. "Is something wrong?"

She went to his dresser and started looking for comfy clothes of his she could could borrow.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a shower."

He watched quietly, looking over her whole form as he assessed her body language.

Jay didn't say anything else, glancing at him with tear stained eyes before going into the restroom and shutting the door. It was significant, she was very aware, because when they were both awake and in the same place, they showered together. It had been that way for half of their relationship. Except right then, she needed to be alone.

She stood with her back to the water, tilting her head back to let it rinse through her hair. Eyes closed, she tried to remember the dream that made her heart ache so much.

Wherever sleep took her, she was in an unfamiliar place, walking with her love by her side.

"Is that fine if I call you 'flower'?" Haeun asked almost politely, except his voice had a playfulness to it. She could only see his eyes since part of his face was covered.

"'Flower'? Why?" She knew what it meant, he had explained it before.

His eyes twinkled with admiration, "It fits. I call you beautiful anyway."

"Mhm." Jay almost wanted to shy away as she blushed. Instead, she looked away and held his hand tighter.

"So you're my flower then," Haeun made the decision himself, well aware that she agreed.

"If you want me to be."

"I do," he lifted their hands to kiss the back of her palm. "Do you want to?"

"Yes," Jay admitted almost nervously. That feeling transformed into joy when he let go to lightly grab her face instead.

"Good," he first kissed her on the cheek, then pressed a kiss to her lips, even as she giggled through it. It was the beginnings of love, and she loved that feeling in and of itself. Falling for him.

In the present, Jay combed through through her hair with her fingers, trying to figure out how such a sweet memory could hurt. It took a while before the pain in her chest finally dulled. She was overheating by the time she turned off the shower, but she was calm and content once again.

When she stepped out of the bathroom attached to Haeun's bedroom, he was nowhere around.

"Baby-?" Jay turned out of the doorway right as he was walking in.

Lightning quick, Haeun caught her around the waist before they could run into each other.

"Ah, I'm sorry," she apologized, putting her hands on his arms.

"Don't be sorry. You alright?" He hugged her closer, frowning in worry. "Was there anything you needed?"

"No," she shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Haeun was asking about way more than the run-in.

"Yes," Jay graced him with a slight, but reassuring smile. "I'm sure. It was just a dream, not a nightmare."

"What was it about?"



"Mhm," she wanted to move on, even though he was still concerned. "Are we still going out tonight?"

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