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! ~Amethyst Clan~!

Leader-Calming' Winds- A Blue and Gray She-Cat with stiff ember eyes

Deputy-Swampy' Foot-A Gray and Green She-Cat with slim forepaws

Medicine cat-Leopard' Prowl-A Pale Savannah Tom with chains and scars along his neck and face.

Warriors (Toms and She-Cats without kits)-

Aspen' Branch-A Tall, Grey Fluffy Tom with a black stripe down his back

Pronghorn 'Trot-A Large gray and yellow She-Cat with a brindle pattern and pale-yellow eyes.

Apprentice, Vine' Paw

Lost' Life- A Black and White Tabby Tom with brown and black legs, brindle pelt, and dark blue eyes.

Apprentice, Spine' Paw

Sage' Sight-A Large Black and White Maine Coon Tom with stripped splotches and bright sage green eyes.

Apprentice, Cougar' Paw

Cedar' Wood-A Tall Ginger Tabby Tom formerly a loner.

Apprentice, Auburn' Paw

Otter' Tusk-A Long Brown Tom with sharp canines and sharp yellow eyes

Apprentice, Adder' Paw

Apprentices (Kits 6 moons and old in training)-

Vine' Paw- A Black and Greenish Tom with amber eyes and a long-stripped tail.

Cougar' Paw-A Cream-Colored Brown Tom with gray along its back and face.

Spine' Paw-A Cream-Colored and Black Tom with a sharp back and green eyes.

Auburn' Paw-A Ginger Tabby She-Cat with small canines

Adder' Paw-A Large Black Tabby Tom with large canines

Queens (She-cats nursing or expecting kits)-

Moth' Flutter-A Motherly Brown She-Cat with white and black spots, red nose, and green eyes.


Leader- Crow' Star-A Tall Slender Black Tabby Tom with a slender striped tail

Deputy-Shark' Tooth-A Large Chocolate Brown Maine Coon Tom with Unusually large canines and piercing yellow eyes.

Medicine Cat- Yarrow' Leaf- A Motherly Golden Tabby She-cat with a paralyzed leg

Warriors (Toms and She-cats without kits)-

Thunder 'Breeze- A Heavy accented Black Tabby Tom with brindle along his pelt and reddish pink eyes.

Apprentice, Oak' Paw

Raven' Foot- A Fast footed Orange Tabby Tom with broad shoulders and Dark Brown eyes.

Apprentice, Vole' Paw

Honey' Pebble- A Gray Blue She-cat with a small turtle like tail

Silver' Tongue- A Large Silver She-cat who talks faster than others and Pale-Blue eyes.

Faded' Desert-A Small pale brown tom that his pelt fades into light brown, Pale-green eyes.

Darkened' Whisper-A Large Black and Gray Maine Coon with half its body being fully black and rest being gray with rosettes, and two different colored eyes, Blue and Red.

Beetle' Jaw-A Large Brown, White and Cream-Colored Maine Coon She-Cat with rosetted markings

Phoenix' Song-A Small Cream-Colored Ragdoll She-Cat with bright emerald eyes

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