chapter 1

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"Where are you, Pit?" Way asked.

"I am outside the college gate," he replied.

"Okay, I am coming."

"Where is Charlie?" Pit asked.

"He is with me," Way responded.

Pit urged them to come quickly because it's their first day of college, and he didn't want them to be late. So he said, "It's your first day, so hurry up."

"Yes, we are coming."

They reached the college and attended their first class. After class, Pit invited them to dinner, offering to treat them because it was their first day. They arrived at the restaurant they always frequented.

"So, how was your first day, guys?" Pit asked.

"It was a very good day," Charlie replied.

"Not that good," Way said.

"What happened?" Pit inquired.


"Pit, actually, he's in a bad mood because of our college president."

"What did he do?"

"No, no, he didn't do anything."

"Stop, Charlie," Way didn't want to tell Pit because he loves pit not anyone else

"They kissed," Charlie said.

"It was a mistake, okay?" Way clarified.


When they were running for their class, Way accidentally collided with Pete.

"What is this behavior?" Pete said in a bad tone.

"I'm really sorry."

As he tried to get up, Way lost balance and accidentally kissed him. After a second, they separated. Pete didn't want to argue with anyone, so he decided to ignore it.

Flashback ended.

"Oh, so, that's the reason," Pit said.

Way shared because he wanted to know his reaction, but his reaction was normal, as expected.

"Our school president is single." Pit said.

"So, what?"

"If u want to try, u can. He is by friend also, I will ask.

"Are you mad pit ? U think I'm that much cheap? I told you it was mistake."

"Ha ha just kidding don't be angry."

Charlie get jealous he said "can I try?" He just wanted to tease pit.

"Set up, Charlie u are not allowed to date anyone except...." He was about to say but he stopped and said alien.


"Ofcourse you are looking like alien." Pit said.

Both laughed but way get more sad because he see jealous in his eyes for Charlie. He questions form him self that is pit love Charlie?
Something he feels that they are something hiding from him. Pit is more close with Charlie.

"Okay I am going guys it's getting late" way said.

"Wait, why are you leaving?" Pit asked.

"I'm very tired and want to get some sleep."

"Okay, good night and take care." Pit said.

Way left the restaurant, and Pit and Charlie started talking with each other.

"He is really upset," Charlie said.

"It was just a kiss. Why is he upset because of it?"

"I don't know."

"So, what's your plan?" Pit asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's been a long time. Let's do it."

"No," Charlie replied.


"When will you tell everyone about us, Pit?"

"See Charlie, I told you I will announce it on our 2nd anniversary."

"I'm waiting for that day."

They hid their relationship because they were not sure about it, but now they're sure. So, Pit decided to announce it on their 2nd anniversary.

"He reached home, took a hot bath, and started reading a novel. After some time, he began scrolling through his and Pit's photos, where they were very close to each other. He saw a notification on Instagram; it was a photo of Charlie and Pit. He smiled at the photo, liked it, and then set his phone aside."

-To be continued

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