chapter 4

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In the morning, Way woke up and find himself in a different surrounding, a very different environment. After a while, he found himself naked and remember that he is  in Pete's room.

"What am I doing here? Why am I naked?" he asked himself.

"It's not my fault. You drank too much and..." He was interrupted by way.

"And what did you intimate with me?"

"Are you really blaming me? Finally, you're not my type, and last night we didn't do anything. Stop thinking nonsense."

"So, why am I naked?"

"Because you vomited on your own shirt. I had to take off your shirt."

"Are you sure nothing happened between us?"

"Why are you upset?"

"What nonsense? I hate you... Why would I think about these things?"

"Okay, okay..."


When they came home, Way thought that he is  his pit and kissed him passionately on the lips. Pete pushed him onto the floor, shocked by his action.

"What are you doing?" Pete asked.

"I like you. No, no, not like, I love you... Please say something. We're best friends. Will you break our friendship?"

"When did we become friends?" Pete asked.

"You love Charlie, why not me?"

"What? When did this happen? Me, like Charlie? Are you mad?"

"I, I've loved you since I met you, I can't describe how much I love you," Way said and vomited on his own shirt. Pete misunderstood him, thinking that Way have feelings for him.

"Oh, you dirty child, you vomited on yourself," Pete said as he removed Way's shirt. But just as he was about to dress him, Way fell asleep.

Pete covered him with a blanket and slept on the other side of the bed, deep in thought, touching his lips with his finger. "Why do I feel different when he kissed me? I don't know if I like it or not, but why I want to kiss him? No, no, what are you thinking, Pete? Focus on your goals."

Flashback ended.

"Sorry for this trouble senior, u can punish me."

"NO need u can go"

"He got up from the bed and dressed himself. His chest looked damn sexy. Pete stayed his gaze on his body. He felt very hot because of  way. 'His body is well-looking. Oh god, am I stupid? Stop thinking these things, but why is his body this much attractive?' He was thinking these things in his mind and remembered about last night's kiss. 'Oh that kiss, it was very sweet. I can still feel it,' he said and touched his lips. 'It's just lust,' he thought.

''Senior, senior, what happened? What are you thinking? Are you listening to me? Hello?'' Way said, but Pete was in his deep thought then he released.

''Oh yes, what happened?''

''I need your help, senior.''

''What kind of help?'' Pete asked.

''Can you be my tutor? I need to focus on my studies.''

''Why me?''

''You are intelligent, you are the only person whom I know who is giving tuition, that's why,'' Way explained.

"No, I can't give you tuition."

"But why?"

"I don't want." He thinks that Way just wants any excuse to come close to him, that's why he denied; he doesn't want to get close to anyone.

"Please, please, do me a favor. I'm requesting you."

"No means no."

"I will do anything if you agree."

"He really loves me that much. Am I that much important to him?" He thinks. Pete has to agree because he doesn't want to argue with him. "Okay, from next week, I will tutor you."


"5 am,"  Pete said.

"Why not, no, please, it's too early"

"After college, I have my own work. I will be free after 9 pm, and it's very last time, that's why I told you to come in the morning."

"I  will study after 9 pm, but not at 5 am.'

"Okay, I don't have any problem. If you want, then come  at 9 pm from next Monday."

He left the room.

Yesterday, he decided to only focus on his studies. He doesn't want to spoil their relationship because of his stupid one-sided love. So, he thinks to avoid them as much as he can. They are still friends; they still spend their time together in their favorite restaurant. Way always gets jealous, but he can't help it because he also knows that Pit loves Charlie, not him. He just smiles, but his feelings no one knows."

                      - To be continued

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