chapter 13

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Way still hasn't given any answer to his confession, but they both started acting like a couple. They did everything together, like newly married couples. Days passed, and today is PitCharlie's marriage.

"Hurry up, Way, we don't have time."

"Wait, Pete..."

Both reached the venue, decorated with flowers, looking very beautiful. Finally, PitCharlie's marriage was completed.

"Congratulations, guys," Pete said.

"Thank you so much for coming," Pit replied.

"Congratulations," Way said.

"Thank you."

After attending the ceremony, Pit went to attend to other guests. Pete started imagining about their marriage.

"I want our marriage to be the best."

"I haven't said yes yet..."

"Okay, okay..."

They slowly tried to understand each other. Time passed quickly. It's been 6 months, and Way still hasn't said anything, but both were happy they were together with no tension for the future. But one day, Pete received a call from a known number. It was his ex. He just ignored the calls, but he kept calling every day. He was very furious. He blocked the number, but his ex called from other numbers and messaged him to meet.

"Hi, Pete, how are you?"

"What's your problem?"

"Can we meet?"


"Please, I really need to talk to you."

"Don't you remember I have a boyfriend?"

"Just want to meet you; I have something important to tell you."

Pete didn't agree to meet, but his ex insisted. Pete didn't want to disturb Way, so he agreed to meet directly.

"Send your location..."

They agreed to meet on Sunday at 7 pm.

"What's so important? Just say..."

"I can't live without you; please come back."

"Are you starting your drama again?"

"No, Pete, I'm not lying..."

"You're cheater. You left me, not the other way around. Go back to your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend; we broke up. Actually, I never loved him. I was his mistress."

"What do you mean?"

"You know I'm not rich. When we were in a relationship, I needed money for my mom's treatment. I didn't ask you for money because I love you, not your money. So, one day, I met him, and he offered to give me money for my mom's treatment if I entered a relationship with him. I said yes, but I had no idea that you would catch me."

"So, why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I don't need money anymore."

"Why? Is your mom not ill?"

"She passed away a few months ago. I don't have anyone, Pete." He started crying and hugged him.

"Stop crying..." Pete couldn't say anything because he didn't know if what he was hearing was right or wrong.

"Don't leave me..."

"Sorry for your loss," he consoled.

"Can't we get back together?"

"No, forget about everything. I have a boyfriend, and I love him. I'll never stop loving him."

"Oh, that junior, right?"

"Yes, he's my princess."

"Princess?" His eyes filled with tears.

"Yes." Pete said .

"Good," he smiled and hugged him again. After 2 minutes, they broke the hug and said goodbye to each other.

Back at the house...

"What are you doing, Pete? Where is your mind?" Way asked.

"I'm sorry; I didn't notice." He was lost in thought. Pete said.

"Are you okay? You seem different today."

"Nothing happened. Just go and sleep."

Should I tell Way that I met my ex today? No, he'll feel upset. I can't say, but if he finds out on his own, he'll never trust me. But we're not even dating, why should I tell him about whoever I meet? No, but we love each other. He thought to himself.

"Way, I met my ex today..." He finally decided to say.

"Oh, you want to give up on me?" Way get insecure.

"No, no way. I love you, only you. I just wanted to inform you; I don't want to hide anything from you." Pete said.

"Okay, okay. I thought you were going to leave me."

"Don't think those things. I love you." Pete kissed him on the forehead.

- to be continued

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