13. ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ʜᴇʀ

331 28 3


Shuhaib gave me a ride back home because i didn't bring my car to the event. Also, i didn't want to burden Nahima; if she's even a little late to her house, her adoptive parents will create another drama.

If it were me, i wouldn't have the courage to continue being nice and staying with them after they treated her horribly and abused her. I hope she can move in soon to her new apartment, which she has been decided on.

The reason why i choose my carrier and became a psychologist is because of her. She had been through a lot since childhood, there was no family who she could rely on except us, her friend.

She always rings us a phone call when she could no longer cop up with them. Thanks to Tanu, since her apartment is near to nahimu, tanu will go to her house banging on the door even if they refuse to open.

We wanted to report it, but Nahima refused because she didn't want to disrespect them since they raised her. However, those reason made her even more stronger that lately she has been settled with her life.

For some reason, They started acting kind and sweet to her, and she concluded that they may want something from her.

I straightly went to bed, telling myself i should get some sleep. But those memories began to pile up in my mind, especially about shahid's white shirt. I snap out of silly thoughts and fall asleep.

As usual, after getting ready for work in the morning, i head to Shuhaib's room to wake that idiot up. But today was different. He was already up!!!

Curiosity grew as i opened the door and saw him on the prayer mat talking to the lord. He woke up early and is praying??? I meant, is this really him??

I stand stunned, while he turns to look at me. "Are you ok? You look kinda confused" he asked, prompting me to approach him.

"Have you finally come to your senses?" I asked, chuckling as he gave me that look he usually gives before making me regret asking.

"Alhamdulillah, Shuhu has finally grown up" I said chuckling and immediately running over to avoid him.


I go to bed after praying Isha. Still wondering who the guy might be, that helped her exchange her heels. Shortly i fell asleep since i have a busy schedule tomorrow.


"Good Morning Sir" everyone greeted me as i made my way to my office. The Secretary informed me about a VIP guest and let them in.

"Good Morning!" A female voice greeted me. It was her, Nihala. Again, i have to deal with her.

She was the one my uncle set me up on since he will benefit from our marriage. Not only she is the one he set me up with but also she works at my company as a superior.

"Assalamualaikum Shahid" she greeted me. I dont want anyone calling me by my name, especially this so-called girl. I gave respect to the greeting as i greeted her back and warned her.

"Walaikumussalam, Shouldn't you respect your boss? You're an employee. You have no right to address me by my name. Do keep that in mind" I said not looking at her while reviewing a few documents.

"You shouldn't talk that way to your future wife". She said making me look up at her annoyingly. I got up from the chair heading in her direction.

"Dare to say that again? Look at my eye and blabber it, instead of saying meaningless things in my office." I said giving a stern look at her.

ʜɪꜱ ɴᴏᴏʀ (ʙᴏᴏᴋ #1)Where stories live. Discover now