Chapter 3

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Saori was buried in a mess of pillows and blankets, trying to switch off her alarm. Changbin had left last night and she was looking forward to sleeping in. What she couldn't remember was why she had set an alarm for a Sunday. 

After haphazardly reaching for her phone, she turned it off and immediately sunk into her bed again. The problem was, now that she was awake, the sounds were so much louder. So instead of forcing sleep on herself, she lazily got up and looked around for her dorm-mate, Soojin.

Upon being unable to find her, she set to wash up. She fixed up her face and hair. Whenever she looked in the mirror, a different thing seemed to go amiss. 

And finally, at 12PM noon, she made herself some cereal and started the day. She internally groaned as she remembered the essay she had to turn in on Monday.

When she was informed of the assignment, she immediately rushed to Yuqi and protested against essay projects for a fashion design major. 

She unwillingly dropped herself on the chair for her study desk. It was an essay regarding eating disorders and fashion.

Before beginning her research, she promised to herself that she would not even glance at her phone.

Promises were meant to be broken. The cursed device lit up, at an update from Instagram.

_seosootang • 23m

_seosootang • 23m

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_seosootang out with my bestie @yuqisong.923 <3

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Saori was offended. Here she was slaving away, and her friends hadn't even bothered to call her. Very well then. This assignment could wait. She put someone on speed dial. "Hey!", hopefully her cheerful greeting would contribute in convincing Hyungseo to to go out with her.

"Is this about Soojin and Yuqi?" a bored voice came across the other end of the call. "No! I just wanted to spend my Sunday with a dear friend.", it wasn't going very well. "Fine, let's meet at the regular cafe."

Wow. That was surprisingly easy. She scrambled off her chair and got dressed. She looked spectacular, expected from a fashion major. • 5m

silk • 5m

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3 likes going out~

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There was no feeling comparable to simply walking carefree, on the street, with music to accompany the journey. Hyungseo was waiting for Saori in front of the cafe. Saori hastened to where Hyungseo was standing. "Gimme a minute, let me just, click a photo of you."

Saori fumbled to get the phone out of her bag. 3m


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4 likes with my bibi hyungseo <33 @nakedbibi @_seosootang @yuqisong.923

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_seosootang what was the @ for?? 🤨

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        you and yuqi seem to be having a lot of fun                                 without me 🤗

"Okay, are you done trying to one-up Soojin?", Hyungseo tapped her feet impatiently, wanting a coffee already. "Sorry, you know I love you!" Saori chuckled, before they walked in. They took a seat selected their orders.

"So, are you and Changbin finally dating?" Hyungseo initiated a conversation. Saori unconsciously blushed. "No, and for the last time, I don't like him that way!", her attempt to defend herself was quite amusing to Hyungseo.

"Ok, well, let's see, I'm going to ask you some questions, and you have to reply honestly." Hyungseo challenged her. "Try me." Saori took up the challenge. "First, do you like being around him?" Saori took a deep breath. Her friends would never leave her alone after this.

"Yes." Hyungseo smiled. "Does he make you feel loved?". Their orders had been served and on the table. "Yes." The two college girls took a sip of their drinks. "Do you hate anything about him?" Saori thought for some time.

"Hate is a strong word, no" that was a fair answer. "Does he make you feel special?" Hyungseo referenced the TWICE song on purpose but it was a question nonetheless. "Yeah.." Saori trailed off. She didn't want to admit her feelings for him, to her friends. She felt insecure.

"Are you comfortable with his physical touch?" Hyungseo started digging deeper. "Yeah, but like, we've been close friends for a long time, so isn't that bound to happen?" Hyungseo ignored her rhetorical question. "Ok, look Hyungseo, I do have a crush on him, if that's what it's called. Please don't tell anybody."

Hyungseo smiled again. "I won't, but your feelings are pretty obvious." Saori was grateful for her friends. Incredibly grateful. She was glad that she could tell them anything without judgement. Saori ended up having a fun Sunday with Hyungseo and was later joined by Soojin and Yuqi who were apologizing profusely for not inviting her.

Needless to say, she had a lovely time, and her assignment remained incomplete.

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