Chapter 5

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Did Changbin know how he ended up being dragged out of the college building by best friend? No. Did he mind? Also no.

"Daeun, why are you doing this again?" Changbin asked, for what felt like the millionth time to Saori.

"Because I want to thank you." It wasn't an easy feat to pull along someone as strong as Changbin, but he wasn't offering much resistance. Saori had decided that she would treat him to lunch.

Changbin's eyes lit up when he saw a cafe in front of him. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" He almost hugged Saori, only stopping himself a few seconds before the physical contact was made. 

They rushed to grab a seat, and Saori had Changbin's order memorised. "Seo Changbin, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for assisting me with the final stages of my project and allowing me to turn it in on time." 

Saori declared dramatically, adding exaggerated movements, making Changbin laugh. "I am delighted to see the lady satisfied with my service." he said, adding to the banter. After a few laughs, silence emerged, the pair deep in thought.

"Do you know what it's like to be in love?" Saori knew it was a risky question, even more so when she saw Changbin's reaction. "That caught me off guard." He paused. "I guess love is a really strong feeling, and you wouldn't be able to define it very well. It just comes to you?"

"That's what I think, at least." The lovestruck boy added, doubtful of the vague explanation he gave. "Love is a beautiful feeling, from what I think. It's carelessly thrown around to describe pretty much anything, but I'd like to reserve my love for the perfect time."

Saori's smile left Changbin barely alive. "That's really sweet." Anyone could look at the blushing couple and declare it 'love' that Saori had been thinking so much about. "Shouldn't we get back to class?"

All Changbin could think about for the past few months was her, everywhere he went, everything he did, it was always the same story. When they reached campus, Changbin got startled to see Saori running off.

"Yeonjun! I haven't seen you in a while!" Saori ran to greet her friend, all smiles. Changbin's face lit up. "What's up bro?" Yeonjun chuckled, replying to them both with matching enthusiasm. "Sorry, you know I have friends apart from you right?"

Yeonjun teased Saori, getting a punch to the arm in return. "Oh shit, my class just started" Saori exclaimed, after checking her watch. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?" She walked away, leaving the two boys alone.

 Changbin spoke up "Oh yeah, how are things going with Soobin?" He smirked, seeing Yeonjun blushing uncontrollably. "What about you, finally got Saori to be your girlfriend?" Of course he knew how down bad Changbin was for Saori.

"Nah man, she definitely doesn't like me back." Changbin fiddled with the string of his hoodie. "Bro, she loves you, it's so obvious." Yeonjun grew exasperated with the obliviousness the two teens shared.

"You're just saying that." Even though his head was lowered, His smile was wide enough to show. "Confess to her by this week, I can help you arrange something cool if you want." Yeonjun just needed to motivate him.

"And what if she rejects me?" Changbin looked up at his friend. The taller grinned. "Trust me, she won't."

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