-Chapter 1-

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"Hey El"

"Wake up"

Eloise woke with a start. She shot up and immediately hit her head on the bunk above, she groaned and lowered her head down on her pillow, her eyes squeezed shut, her hand holding her sore head.

"Sorry Princess" A voice teased. Eloise finally opened her eyes and this time, carefully sat up. Her eyes landed on the voice, Luke -her best friend, basically her brother- stood by the bed, his arms crossed over his camp shirt. He tilted his head, his face wore a stupid grin.

"You coming out for practice, or sleeping in?" He asked. Eloise rolled her eyes.

"Give me a minute moron" she replied, sliding herself off her bed and grabbing her training clothes, a camp shirt, jean shorts, and a pair of torn up red converse.

"Meet me at the arena in 5 princess, don't stare at yourself for too long!" Luke laughed walking out of Cabin 11. Eloise ignored him and walked over to the bathroom, she brushed her long black hair and tied it into a ponytail. Eloise took one last look in the mirror, frowning at her childish face, before running out and to the arena.

The arena at camp was usually filled with campers, but at the early hour of 6am, it was completely empty, except for Eloise and Luke.

Luke stood with his hands clamped around a sword Eloise had never seen before, it was celestial bronze on one side (standered for camp swords) then it was a silver colour on the other.

"Where'd you get that sword" Eloise asked jokingly suspicious.

Luke turned to her, his lips turned up back into the grin he wore almost constantly in Eloise's presence.
"I made it" He said, his eyes glinted in excitement.

"Let's see if it works then?" Eloise laughed, she spun a ring on her finger and it quickly changed into a long, silvery/black sword with a red handle. She planted her feet carefully her knees slightly bent waiting for him to give a sign for the practice to begin.

"Ok, ok princess, let's go" he smirked.
She rolled her eyes before having to quickly deflect a strike. She attacked from the side, struggling as they fought but making him struggle to, which made her feel amazing. The two fought for what felt like hours, attack, defend, panic, calm. Eloise was so close to disarming Luke. When she lost her balance on a rock. A rock. And using the distraction, Luke was able to disarm her.

Eloise frowned as she sat on the floor, Luke's sword inches away from her neck.

"Guess it works, huh?" He said his grin wide as he offered her a hand up. Eloise rolled her eyes, accepting his hand, as soon as he grabbed it of course she felt the need to prove herself, and quickly twisted him to the ground, landing with her knees on his chest.

"Barely, a rock done most of the work" She said grinning at his slightly suprised face. "Besides, I could easily win without a sword" Eloise announced confidently, wiping Luke's brown hair out of his face.

"Sure you could princess" he teased smiling up at her, as her cheeks tinted red and her hair- now out off the ponytail- covered her face.

She rolled off of him, not offering a hand up as she brushed any dirt off her knees and clothes. She glanced down at her hand where her sword- Zosime- had reappeared in ring form. The ring was dark silver and looked like two hands gripping tightly onto a red diamond heart. (see top of page for picture) The ring had sort of just appeared to Eloise, she knew it was hers, and that she would need it.

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