-Chapter 2-

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~Miles~ (Tw: emetophobia)
"Hey brats!" Miles's mother sneered as she slammed open the door to the small room in which he shared with his sister. Eloise flinched at the noise, her arms wrapped tighter around Miles.

Miles cleared his throat, his hand simultaneously stroking El's hair softly. "Hey, mum.." he said, his voice wobbled slightly.

His mum looked like a wreck. Her dirty blonde hair was heavily matted and greasy as ever, Miles was pretty sure he could see some dried gum stuck in it. He shivered. Her face was covered in mascara, and horribly orange foundation- as well as old crumbs. She was wearing a black dress that was covered in the same crumbs that littered her face, it clearly didn't fit her, probably used to before dad left, Miles thought to himself briefly.

Miles's father was nothing like his mother, he was amazing, he loved Miles and never made him feel alone, Miles was never cold, never hungry, never scared. Then his terrible excuse for a mother had an affair with El's dad, Miles never blamed El, and never would, it wasn't her fault.

After that, Miles's dad left, he was meant to come back that weekend to take Miles for a week, but he never came. Turns out Miles's mum didn't just act crazy, she was. She killed him. Miles knew it, even if there wasn't any proof.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by his mother spewing on his floor. Great. Thanks mum. He thought looking at the rank vomit on the floor he would definitely be the one to clean. His mum let out a loud belch before clearing her throat by, unsurprisingly, taking another drink out of her bottle.

Miles felt Eloise begin wriggling so he carefully lowered her down, his hand still interlocked with hers. His mother frowned at this, as if it were a disgusting thing to hold a child's hand.

"You little creep" his mother hissed, for a moment he thought she was talking to him, but she wasnt. Eloise scuttled her little body behind him and Miles stood infront, trying to make himself look big. "What do you want mum." He said his voice didn't wobble this time. He hated his mum. He hated how she treated his little sister. He wouldn't let her hurt her. Never.

His mum's eyes drifted onto him. "Stay out of this" she snarled grabbing Miles's wrist roughly, her sharp nails digging into his skin. He yelped as he was practically thrown by his mother, losing his hold on his sister's hand. Eloise let out a small cry as she shuffled away from his mother, Miles felt desperate but he had hit his head when he had been thrown and felt like he couldn't move. "M-Miles!" El stuttered out her eyes fixed on him. "Don't look at him look at me!" His mother seethed, she grabbed Eloise's wrist tightly and when El attempted to pull away- his mother smashed her bottle on the ground, sending shards of glass flying into the two children.

Eloise yelped her body collapsed, only held up by her bruising wrist. "Not so brave now are you?" His wretched mother cackled. She lifted Eloise up by her wrist before promptly letting go, she landed on the sharp ground with a yelp and a thud.

His mother turned to him. Her eyes practically popping out of her eyes. Miles wondered how anyone could ever have loved her, she was horrible, simply horrible. "And you!" She looked at him with hatred. "You little brat should know better" she begun stomping towards him, broken bottle raised ready to strike. Miles heard his sister scream and that's when it happened for the first time. The glass bottle exploded. Miles quickly used his arms to cover his face- but he didn't have to. No glass hit him instead he heard his mother shriek as the glass violently hit her back and forth stripping lines of skin before it settled on the ground by Miles's feet.

Miles was stunned, his mother quickly ran out of the room shouting devil child. Miles's eyes landed on his sister, she was curled up in a ball on the floor, she wasnt moving. She wasn't moving! Finally Miles could move again.

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