-Chapter 4-

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Miles had a horrible feeling as he made his way back from his 'shopping trip'. You might think he chose to steal but Miles really hated it, but he had no choice. He was desperate, Eloise was desperate. He could never let her be desperate.

His legs ached as he slowed down from his run, he bent over for a few seconds to catch is breath. He felt like he was breathing in acid. Maybe he was. He did live in San Francisco. He stood there for a minute, 1, 2, 3. His ears filled with a bloodcurdling scream. Eloise.

Despite his legs aching he ran. His mouth felt like sand paper, blood like led, but he ran. The screaming didn't stop. He was so close to the alley. Just as Miles turned to face Eloise. He saw a man, surrounded by... dust? Then Eloise screamed again.

Miles's legs turned to jelly, every muscle in his body seemed to have given up. It hurts, is only thought Miles's brain could form as his body lay on the floor of the alley. A minute had passed. The tinnitus had gone away, he reached his screaming arm to his ear. Miles may not have been a genius, but he knew it wasn't meant to be sticky. He couldn't bring himself to open his eyes, part of him was tired, but Miles had this awful feeling that if he opened them now, nothing would change.

He could feel someone grabbing his hand, he could hear sounds but it sounded more like white noise rather than words. Then he felt his hand drop. And the sound disappeared.


After begging Eloise forever to help her watch over new boy, she finally agreed. Annabeth was getting bored watching alone, so she had been desperate for company that isn't some drooling 12 year old boy. Can you blame her? After breakfast, her and Eloise were to meet at the infirmary, which was basically just a few rooms in the big house.

"Boo!" A voice yelled behind her causing her to jump and wack the air with a water bottle.
"Ow! Careful Wise Girl!" The voice laughed. Annabeth turned around to see her attacker's face. She scrunched her nose up, "Red would you stop screwing around!" Annabeth exclaimed rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Whatever you say Wise Girl" Eloise shrugged and looked over at new boy. She frowned as she looked at him, "Eww is that drool?" She asked, her face now matching Annabeth's disgust. Annabeth sighed, "Unfortunately yes." Eloise shivered. "Gross." The boy's eyes seemed to drift open again as Eloise peered over his face. Noticing this, Eloise exclaimed. "You drool when you sleep." The boy's face twisted in confusion, "Whaaat?" He said before his eyes shut again.

The two girls looked at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing. "Whaaat??" Annabeth mimicked causing another fit of laughter. "Boys are stupid" Eloise said after catching her breath. Annabeth rolled her eyes dramatically. "Tell me about it."


Whilst Annabeth had thought Eloise had just accepted to help her because of Annabeth pretty much begging her, Eloise had another reason. She had gotten a taste of how it felt to be fully popular, don't misunderstand, as one of the most talented swordsman and a fantastic archer she wasn't short of popularity, also she was one of the few people that had ever been on a quest. But this boy, he actually killed the Minotaur, she just told him what to do. Which she was slightly mad about but she tried not to show it. Luke definitely could tell. It was unusual for unclaimed children to be known at camp, most of the time they just sat in cabin 11 sadly, Eloise had had her fair share of being sad. She didn't like it.

It was almost lunch time when Eloise saw Grover walk in to the infirmary, he had volunteered to step in for Eloise and Annabeth whilst they got lunch.

"See ya Grover!" The two girls called as they walked out of the Big House towards the dining area. Since they had to get lunch early to help out at the infirmary, the area was pretty much empty. "I wonder who his godly parent is" Annabeth said breaking Eloise from her thoughts. "Huhh?" She replied in her glorious cleverness. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I said, I wonder who his godly parent is!!" Annabeth practically yelled the last bit. Eloise frowned. "Ya could have just said so Wise Girl" she punched Annabeth's shoulder jokingly. "Whatever Red".

As Eloise ate her lunch she thought about it. First of all as much as he seemed helpless, the Minotaur itself came after him, as well as Grover thinking he was something important. Secondly, he had natural combat skills, not like an Ares kid though, maybe Hermes? They're usually quite good at everything, or average anyway. Thirdly, the weather during the fight. It was storming, so maybe he is one of the Big Three's children.. "Redddd what ya thinking?" Annabeth asked grabbing Eloise's shoulder to get the girl's attention. Eloise rolled her eyes. "I'm thinking maybe he's a Hermes kid or a-" "Child of the Big Three!" Annabeth interrupted in a squeal. Eloise pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn't like being interrupted and normally would hit whoever interrupted her, but this was Annabeth so it was ok.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking" Eloise smiled at the excited look on Annabeth's face, her best friend had been waiting for a new kid to come, someone who was destined to go on a quest so she could join it. Luke's quest hadn't been amazing, neither had Eloise's. As her memory slid to it she bit her cheek to try to stop herself.

As Annabeth continued talking Eloise zoned out, occasionally nodding along with whatever Annabeth talked about and adding in a couple of "uh-huh"s and "no.." to make it believable.

"Hey Wise Girl! Red!" A voice yelled. The two girls turned to see Clarisse standing behind them, Eloise smiled whilst Annabeth frowned. For some reason Annabeth had decided she didn't like Clarisse. Ok maybe she wasn't always the kindest to new kids, but Eloise cared for her, she had known her for a long time, and ever since one of Clarisse's siblings tried to hit Eloise, and Clarisse stood up for her, Eloise decided she liked her.

"Hey Angry" Eloise replied, a big grin on her face. Clarisse gave her a smile back, "I bet you had to do all the work killing that Minotaur, Red, you should get more credit, some of the other kids claimed you didn't do shit" Eloise frowned, she hated when people diminished her achievements. "What kids?" She said standing up from her lunch table. Annabeth stood with her but grabbed her wrist to stop her from losing it, she was aware of her friend's, well, issues.
"Oh come on Wise Girl, let her do what she wants" Clarisse snickered. "Some Hephaestus kid, Shane or something" Clarisse shrugged. Eloise pulled out of Annabeth's hand and began storming her way towards the cabin when she saw new boy was awake and standing outside of the Big House. She sighed, seems Shane would be spared another day.

She ran back to Annabeth and grabbed her wrist, "New boy is up!" Eloise said. Annabeth's eyes lit up, "What are you waiting for Red, go!" Eloise frowned, "You're not coming?" She said, tilting her head slightly. Annabeth scoffed, "Nope I got food to eat". Eloise rolled her eyes but made her way over to the Big House.

She leaned on a railing just as Grover introduced Mr D, their camp director. "Oh and this is Eloise, she and Annabeth-" Grover pointed to the dining table where Annabeth ate her lunch. "-helped you whilst you were unwell" Grover finished. Eloise frowned and looked at the boy, he was wearing some old jeans and a camp shirt, his blonde curly hair was frizzy and lay half squashed on his head which made him look lopsided.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled awkwardly, reaching out his hand. Eloise stared at his hand before hesitantly remembering the drool he likely wiped away using that hand and cringed. "Uh, you drool when you sleep-" she said as she tucked her hand safely in her pocket. The boy frowned and his cheeks flushed red. "Uh what-" he said retracting his hand. "Oh um, Eloise." Chiron began clearing his throat as he fought a smile, "Would you please make sure there is a place for Percy in Cabin 11." He finished. The boy- Percy- stared at her as she shrugged and ran away towards Cabin 11.


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