-Chapter 3-

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Miles and his sister were outside the second time it happened.

"Milessss" Eloise said in a sing songy voice. Miles looked down at his sister as they walked down the streets in their city, her pretty black hair that he himself had braided, her big black bug eyes and the unmissable bruise that covered her rosey cheek. Miles felt ill looking at it, he stopped himself from frowning and instead swallowed, looked away and tried his best to smile.

His sister wasn't stupid, so she knew something was wrong. She stopped suddenly in her tracks causing Miles to stumble forwards.

"El- we have to keep going" Miles said anxiously. Eloise frowned at him. She then walked forward and pulled Miles's arm so he was kneeling at her level. Then she hugged him. "It's ok big brother" she said. "It doesn't hurt anymore, I promise".

Miles felt heartbroken. It wasn't fair. How could anyone do this to her. How could anyone even think about doing it. Miles felt anger boil in his chest. "Miles?" She asked pulling back from him so she could look him in the eye. Just like that, Miles's anger was pushed away, and he knew until he could use that anger he couldn't let her see it. He wanted her to have someone in her life who wasn't there to harm her.


Eloise could feel stares on her as she walked down the street holding her brother's hand. "Where are we going?" She whined. Miles smiled at her softly, but Eloise could see the glint of sadness in his eyes. Eloise was always good at telling when people were sad. She could feel the disharmony in their emotions.

"Somewhere to eat" he said. Eloise frowned. It was the first time her brother had let her come with him on his food runs, normally he went alone but last time their mum had got angry at Eloise so now Miles refused to leave her side. Eloise was glad, but she didn't understand why he was so nervous. They reached a small alleyway and Miles stopped walking. Eloise frowned "Eww Miles! It smells awful!" The little girl scrunched up her nose. Miles laughed a little. "I know El, but you just have to stay here a little while ok?" He said. Eloise looked up at him and pouted. "Why can't I come with you?" She asked. Miles was sweating now, Eloise could feel it. "Please El, aren't you hungry?" He asked, there was a pleading look in his eyes that made Eloise hesitate. On cue her stomach growled. She nodded and let him lead her into the alley. "Listen, just stay here and be quiet, ok?" Eloise frowned, "ok be quick" she said quietly as he squeezed her hand gently then walked away.

Eloise could hear the footsteps fading as she sat in the alley, she had her back to the wall and one side against a big metal bin, on her other side there were a bunch of black bags. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Eloise counted in her head. 21, 54, 7, RAT! Eloise pushed herself up and ran to the other side of the alleyway away from the rat.

That was a mistake as just as she reached the wall someone grabbed her by her jumper and threw her hard, down towards the ground. "Ow!" She yelped. She squinted up and saw a group of boys, they were all wearing black hoodies that covered their eyes, apart from the one at the front, whose eyes, no eye was a dark brown.

There was a loud clink as the thing in front of her pulled out a small switch blade. Sadly, Eloise was also small, so it was big enough for the job. Eloise scrambled backwards, tears spilling out of her eyes, as she brought herself to a standing position, on her left she saw a broom stick which had snapped at the bottom making a sharp point. Instinctually she grabbed it out of the rubbish and held it up unsteadily in her small arms.

It was probably a weird sight, maybe Eloise would laugh about it in the future, four year old her in red dungarees holding a snapped broom stick fighting Cyclops in an alleyway filled with rotting rubbish and rats. Sadly this wasn't the future, and four year old Eloise was terrified. She bit down on her lip to try to stop the yelps she desperately wanted to release. "Step back!" She yelled her voice trembling. The Cyclops simply laughed and walked closer. In desperation and panic, Eloise stupidly threw her only weapon at the Cyclops in front of her. Credit to Eloise. The Cyclops crumbled into a pile of dust. Her eyes widened in confusion, Eloise had never gone to school or kindergarten, but she knew that wasn't what happened when people died. The Cyclops that remained ran at her.

Kleos & Khaos (A PJO Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя